The TV

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No One's POV

Leif then pops up in front of them .

Leif : "Queen Aphmau what are you doing?"

Aphmau:"Bringing to you guys a tv"she says moving into the living room and placing it down

Rhys:"What is this?"

Ava:"This is a piece of ancient earth technology something from the dark ages of history"

Asch:"A dark Age?"

Leif:"Now i'm interested!"

Lucinda:"How did you guys even get your hands on one of these?"she says inspecting it

Aphmau:"Long story short Mrs.Oates gave to us but Ava doesn't want it so it's your guy's now"

Asch:"Why, why can't we just use the comp-uter?"

All the girls stare at them with a glare.

Aphmau:"Well Asch , we allowed Rhys to use the computer once and......"

They all remember how one thing got to another and Leif ended up destroying the computer .

Leif:"Look I promise I just won't go near that thing ever again"

Kawaii-Chan:"Well none of you guys are trusty-worth since Rhys gave it virus by clicking on many ads"

Katelyn:"Yeah I don't you guys should be near the computer ever again "

Aphmau:"Yup your are banned from going near it and that's final"

Rhys:"But what's to say we won't do the same to this object?"

Ava:"Well you can't click on ads on this one all you could do is change channels so this is for you guys, i'm going to leave this tv to you guts okay!"

Pierce:"What do we do with it?"

Lucinda:"Just watch it i'm sure you guys can learn a thing or two from it"

Asch:"Enough, let's talk about the marriage?"

Ava:"*Gasp* Oh my god I suddenly got the urge to become responsible"


Ava:"Oh men I have to go look for a job and do a lot of actual adult things heh, heh , I really gotta take care of this so i'll be with my phone in my room bye"

Ava then quickly runs into her room and shuts the door behind her .

Pierce:"It seems princess Ava is busy , Aphm-"he then gets cut of by Aphmau

Aphmau:"I to got a sudden urge to be responsible and feed me so i'll go out and buy me some food bye~"she says running to the door and leaving

Asch:"You too?!"he says turning to Aphmau before she had left

Rhys:"Kawaii-Chan could y-"but then again gets cut of by Kawaii-Chan

Kawaii-Chan:"I bet Aphmau's gonna need help with buying her food so I should go and help her out bye guys!"she says with sweat drops on her forehead as she runs out

By now Lucinda and Katelyn had also left off to god knows where.

Asch:"Really we don't even know how to use a TV!?"he screams angrily

To Be Continued  

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