Best Friend

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Rhys:"APHMAU!?"he says as he slams the door open

Aphmau:"Rhys what's going?she says as she looks through the corner of the hallway

Rhys:"Its-it's Katelyn and-Lucindaa"he says through pants


Kawaii-Chan:"What's going on?"

Rhys:"There figh-fighting"

Aphmau:"Oh, okay then?"

Rhys:"Are you not worried for your friends?"

Aphmau:"In a sense yes but they do that all the time they're rivals"



Aphmau:"Yup friendly rivals"

Rhys:"What's a friendly rival?"

Kawaii-Chan:"It's when your fighting with another person about something but being friends and peaceful with each other"

Aphmau:"Ugh well I'll got see if they don't hurt each other too much and Rhys?"

Rhys:"Yes Aphmau?"

Aphmau:"What happened to you?"

Rhys:"We destroyed something"


Rhys:"It wasn't that major"

Aphmau:"Just take me over there and quickly"

Rhys:"Right"he says as he runs out with Aphmau behind him

Aaron:"Where's Aphmau going?"


Aaron:"Oh , Okay then but can you change Ava?"

Kawaii-Chan:"Oh sure"

~~~With the Daemos~~~

Asch:"What do we do there attracting many humans!"

Lief:"Where the hell's RHYS!?"

Pierce:"I can't believe-"

Aphmau:"What's going on!?"all the daemos turn towards her

Katelyn and Lucinda:"Aphmau!?"they say stopping their fighting

Aphmau:"What the hell are you two doing!"

Katelyn:"Lucinda started it "

Lucinda:"Really Katelyn"

Aphmau:"I don't care who started it"she says hitting both of them in the head

Aphmau:"Were goin-"she then sees a car crashed

Aphmau:"Is that what you broke..."

Rhys:"Yes?"he then gets a hit in the head and so did the other daemos

Police:"Ma'am "

Aphmau:"Shoot the police"


Police:"Ma'am don't resist and we won't harm you and your friends"

Aphmau's View

Gf:":"Ma'am don't resist and we won't harm you and your friends yet"

Aphmau:"Get away from me!"she said scared

Police:"Ma'am calm down"he says grabbing her wrist

Pierce:"Don't touch her"he says punching the police

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