Aaron and Zane

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Lucinda:"Wait what"she says as she walks over to were the girls were at

Katelyn then follows and the Daemos too as they arrive Aaron picks up Aphmau and hugs her and so did Zane to Kawaii-Chan Rhys, Asch,Pierce , and Lief where all unhappy about this though so Pierce , Asch and Lief pull Aphmau out of Aaron's grip and Rhys pull Kawaii-Chan away

Daemos:"What are you doing!?"

Aaron and Zane:"Umm what's going on?"

Aphmau:"Guys what are you doing?"she says as she looks up at the daemos(Lief , Asch , and Pierce) holding her

Pierce:"How dare you harras Queen Aphmau"

Aaron:"Queen?"he says with a confused look

To Zane , Kawaii-Chan and Rhys

Rhys:"Kawaii-Chan are you okay?"

Zane:"You get away from her!"he says grabbing Kawaii-Chan

Rhys:"HEY!"he says with pure anger in his eyes

Rhys then was gonna use his magic on Zane

Kawaii-Chan:"Rhys stop!"

Rhys:"Why should I he's grabbing you!"

Zane:"Why are you mad?"

Rhys:"She's mine!"

Zane:"WHAT!?"he says with a angry face

Kawaii-Chan:"Oh no"

Lucinda:"This is bad"she then uses her sleeping magic on Rhys he falls to the ground Zane walks over to Kawaii-Chan

Zane:"Why did he say that!?"

Kawaii-Chan:"I can explain"

Lucinda:"Zane calm down!"

To Aaron, Aphmau, and the others

Aaron:"Aphmau get away from them"

Aphmau looks at the Daemos then steps back from them


Aphmau:"Sorry"she says walking into Aaron's Arms

Asch:"He's using a control spell on her"Aphmau gets shocked at this and remembered what happened with Ein in the lodge which causes her to paralyze and almost start crying but snaps back into reality when she sees how angry Aaron was

Aaron:"You , your Asch"he says as his eyes start turning red

Aphmau:"Aaron!"she says as she puts her hands on his face

Aaron:"Aphmau that's the guy that's been hurting you"

Aphmau:"What?"she then looks at Katelyn, and Katelyn looks at her with a "I had to"look

Aphmau:"You told him!"

Katelyn:"I had to Asch has been treating you horribly!"

Aaron:"Why did you want to hide what he did to you, he clearly hurt you and I won't allow anyone hurt to you !?"

Aphmau:"I didn't want you to get mad"

Asch:"What's going on?"

Lief:"I have no idea but that guy is doing something to Queen Aphmau"

Pierce:"I won't let him hurt her"he says getting his weapons out and so did Lief then Asch gets his magic out

Lucinda:"Oh no you don't"she then uses her magic on them and they fall asleep

Aaron:"Aphmau explain!"



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