Angry Katelyn

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Asch had finally woken up and was already complaining

Asch:"Can't we just go there our way?"

Lucinda:"No, this is how humans do it in this world so you must do it this way"

Rhys:"True but what about that?"he says pointing at a car

Katelyn:"A car?"

Lief:"A what?"

Katelyn:"A car another way we humans transport"

Rhys:"That seems faster so why don't we use one?"

Asch:"Yes Pierce, go retrieve us a car!"

Pierce:"Yes"he says as he pulls off the door of a nearby car

Lucinda:"What we can't just steal it!"

Rhys:"But this is much faster?"

Lucinda:"You know what , I wanna see how this ends so yeah sure why not get in it and 'drive it' all they way to Ava's apartment"

Katelyn:"You can't be serious there probably gonna call the cops on us!"

Lucinda:"It isn't our world so let's just go with it "she says smiling

Katelyn:"Ugh fine"

They all got in Asch seating in the drivers seat Katelyn and Lucinda where in the back seat with Lief and Pierce and Rhys in front next to Asch

Asch:"So how does this work?"

Lief:"Try screaming at it ?"


Lucinda:"That's not how it works your suppose to have a key"

Rhys:"Like that one?"he says pointing at a key

Katelyn:"Who would leave there keys in a car?!"

Lucinda:"Nevermind that just put it in the keyhole and step on those things on the floor"

Katelyn:"This won't end up good"

Lucinda:"Don't worry about it"she says putting a protective spell on both herself and Katelyn

Asch:"Okay th-"but then the car turns on and it goes forward at a very high speed and they crash into a fire hydrant and water spills everywhere

Katelyn:"Wow "she says as she looks out of the protective bubble she was in

Rhys:"Ow , what happened?"

Both Katelyn and Lucinda start laughing so much at all the daemos that where on the car crash scene

Asch:"That hurt so much!"

Lief:"What happened , it hurts like hell!?"

Pierce:"So much pain"

Katelyn:"You are such idiots!"


Lucinda:"What did you think would happen a bunch of dudes riding something they didn't know how to control!?"

Lief:"How come you don't even have a scratch!?"

Katelyn:"Protective bubble"

Rhys:"Why didn't you put that on us if you knew what was gonna happen?"


Asch:"How dare you!?"he says throwing a fireball at Katelyn and Lucinda but it distergrates as it touches the bubble

Asch:"What , what happened?"

Katelyn:"Where you attacking us?"she says with a dark angry voice

Asch:"You could've protected us!"

Katelyn:"I'LL HURT YOU MORE IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP!!"she says angrily looking at Asch

Lief:"Angry Katelyn is terrifying"

Lucinda:"What are you talking about this is normal Katelyn, but for some reason she had been calm the last couple of days"

Katelyn:"I was trying to be calm because Travis had ask me to after but I'm tired of it , I just can't take it anymore you guys are annoying as hell!"

All daemos just stare at her absolutely terrified

Lucinda:"Katelyn jeez can't control your temper "she says smirking at her

Katelyn:"BITE ME!"

Lucinda:"Oh you wanna fight!?"

Katelyn:"Come at me Lucinda!"(They use to do this all the time in the series so It's actually normal for them to fight)

Lief:"Ahh they're killing each other!"

Rhys:"Ladies please cal-"

Katelyn:"SHUT IT!"

Rhys:"Well that won't work"

Asch:"What do we do there attracting so many humans"

Lief:"I should go get the others to see if they can stop the fight"

Rhys:"Yes we will stay and make sure it doesn't get out hand more than it already has"


~~~With Kawaii-Chan~~~

Kawaii-Chan:"I have the feeling that something wrong"

Zane:"What was that?"

Kawaii-Chan:"Oh nothing"

Kawaii-Chans Mind:"Meh it's probably nothing"

(Sry for short chapter )

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