Aphmau is dead?

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Asch:"Your just touching his horns like that have you no respect!?"he was so out of control that he threw a fireball at Aphmau

Aphmau got in shock and remembered to when she was in Starlight and the Demon Warlock attacked her with a green plasma so she couldn't move she was completely petrified.The Pierce stood in the way and got hit by the fireball all the girls , Noi and Rhys stare as Pierce falls onto Aphmau's arms as he did Aphmau snapped out of her trauma and grabbed Pierce and looked at Pierce worried

Aphmau:"Pierce....why did you do that"she says as tears run down her face

Pierce:"I'm okay"he says as he tries to get up but fails and goes back into Aphmau's Arms

Aphmau:"Asch what's wrong with you!"


Aphmau:"You what , what's gotten into you "she looks at him with a worried angry look she then turns back to Pierce and lays him on the ground

Pierce:"What ar-are you gonna do"he stumbled on the words because he was hurting

Aphmau:"Just stay still would you"she says as she puts her hands over them and they start glowing white she then healed Pierce but her eyes turned motionless and white then she fell to the ground

Pierce:"APHMAU!!"he says grabbing her

Asch:"Noo..no what happened why did she-"

Lucinda and the other ran up to Aphmau

Lucinda:"Aphmau...Aphmau talk to me "she says then getting close to her chest to see if her heart is beating , while Pierce looked at Asch with dead eyes. Lief then approached Asch and turned him around

Lief:"I won't ever forgive if she's dead"he said with angry eyes

Rhys:"Prince Asch why would you that!"

Then Katelyn approaches Asch and punches him really hard making him bleed from his nose she was approaching him again but then Kawaii-Chan grabbed her while she was crying

Kawaii-Chan:"Please calm d-down I..i..know your mad but-"

Katelyn:"You asshole I will kill if it's the last thing I do"as she frees herself from Kawaii-Chan's grasp but then Lucinda touches her head and Katelyn falls asleep

Asch:"Thank y-"

Lucinda:"Shut-it its your fault shes like this"she says looking down at Aphmau


Lucinda:"Yes, thankfully she is but I don't know when she will wake up she used way too much of her energy and with what happened in starlight I'm pretty sure she would be dead if she was normal"


Kawaii-Chan:"Lucinda you over said things again"

Lucinda:"Oh my bad ignore the last part but we have to go back home and give Aphmau her rest"

Rhys was spectacle about this but he decided to just ask Kawaii-Chan about it later

~~~Time Skip~~~(After they put Aphmau in her bed)

Pierce stays sitting next to Aphmau while patting her head Lucinda and the others walk out of the room

Lucinda:"Asch if you ever hurt her like that again we won't hesitate to kill you for sure!"

Katelyn:"I say we just do it now!"

Asch and the other daemos stare at Katelyn with a scared look

Kawaii-Chan:"Katelyn please calm down"

Katelyn:"I won't kill you but I know who would.."

Lucinda:"No Katelyn please don't tell him"

Katelyn:"Too late i'm already going"she says as she walks towards the restroom

Lucinda:"Let's hope you guys leave before he comes"

Asch:"Before who comes?"

Noi:"Yeah, this person sounds scary"

Lucinda:"It isn't a person it's someone you wouldn't want to meet after what you did to Aphmau"

Katelyn's POV

I walk into the restroom I was going to tell Aaron so he come back me up I hated Asch I wanted him dead Aphmau could've died by just healing Pierce but what I've he hadn't been there


Katelyn:"Wow calm down what happened?"

Aaron:"I saw Aphmau getting harassed by a dude with black hair and white horns!"

Katelyn:"Tha'ts what I'm here to talk to you about something happened and I want that guy dead and I need you to come "

Aaron:"What happened?"

Katelyn explained to him he then slammed his desk and said

Aaron:"I'm going to come and I will kill this guy"

Katelyn:"That's the spirit i'll be waiting for you"

Aaron:"I'll probably be there in like two-three days though"

Katelyn:"Just as long as you get here , meanwhile I'll take care of Aphmau "


~~~Time Skip~~~(later that night)

Asch walks into the room where Aphmau was he sees as Pierce's hand is on her hand and both are asleep

Asch:"I'm sorry Aphmau"he whispers into her ear then he walks out

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