With Aaron Pt.1

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Aaron's POV

Aaron:"Its been 4 days since Aphmau left already when do you think her and the other's are coming back?"

Garroth:"I'm not sure but I miss them a lot"

Aaron:"I'm gonna try to contact them again"

Garroth:"Okay then i'll be waiting for Travis to come her okay"


Aaron walks over to Lucinda's potion room and tries to call Lucinda, Lucinda answers

Lucinda:"Oh hey Aaron"

Aaron:"Hey what's going on over their and can I talk to Aphmau"

Lucinda:"Things are cool over here and I'll call Aphmau over for you"

She calls Aphmau over and Aphmau comes and waves at Aaron with her hand Aaron then slams the desk

Aaron:"What happened to your hands?!"his eyes turn red

Aphmau quickly turns Lucinda over so that she couldn't see

Aphmau:"Oh that's nothing"she says with a faint smile

Aaron:"How can they not be nothing they have scars!"

Lucinda:"The truth is that one of those daemos guys attacked Aphmau"

Aphmau:"Lucinda don't tell him that!"


Lucinda:"I found a way to get a potion to bring someone from that world to this one but not us to the other one which is kinda dumb"

Aaron:"Lucinda I need to make that potion how do I make It!?"

Lucinda:"Aaron your gonna have to calm down first!"

Aphmau:"Yeah Aaron your eyes their red"


Aphmau:"Please don't get mad I took care at what happened why don't tell you everything that's been going on over here and you tell me what happens over their "

Lucinda:"Then I'll tell you how to make the potion but first calm down okay?"

Aaron:"Okay"he says as he calms down then his eyes turn to their normal color

Aphmau tells Aaron what's been going and Aaron told her afterwards

Lucinda:"Okay listen real closely these ingredients will take you a while to get but i'll tell you where to get them and how to make the potion okay"


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