I'm Fine

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Aphmau's POV

I didn't really want to go to the movie date mostly cause I still felt uncomfortable with the daemos since what they did but I felt somewhat guilty for not going , since I didn't want the girls to feel bad for me . So I decided to go while the girls and daemos where in the elevator which was very slow I decided to go through the stairs and head there first.

With The Daemos and Others

Lorelai:"And were here!"

Lucinda:"It's been a while since I've come to the movies"at that moment she feels a light tap on her shoulder

Lucinda turns around and sees Aphmau standing there with a drink in her hand


The girls turn around as the daemos stare in amaze at the theater

Lorelia:"Great you decided to come after all!"she says smiling

Aphmau:"Mhm"she says nodding

Katelyn:"That's great!"

Leif:"This place is amazing!"

Pierce:"What's that smell?"

Lorelai:"Popcorn, don't tell me you've guys never had that?"


Pierce:"It smells good"

Lorelai:"Wow I should have offered to take you guys out before- bwah nature calls be here right back!"

Pierce:"Aphmau!?"he says spotting Aphmau


Lucinda:"Asch don't call her that in public!"

Asch:"Why did you do that to us at the apartment!"he says grabbing Aphmau's shoulders

Aphmau didn't say anything just moved back and went next to Katelyn


Katelyn:"Just drop it Asch!"


Ava:"Alright listen up before Lorelai comes back , you guys need to be on your best behavior seriously just don't ask any questions because people will know your weird "

Noi:"Aren't we already weird?"

Ava:"I mean it will set people off to thinking your daemos remember humans are powerful and we have powerful magic one wrong move and you might get killed"

Leif:"I'm listening "he says with sparkles

Asch:"What does the movies do?"

Ava:"You'll have to experience it for yourselves for now just ask questions sparingly alright?"

Asch:"When are we getting married?"

Rhys:"I am curious as well?"

Ava:"God look I don't know what you guys are going through but we will talk about this that later if you guys are good on this trip we will talk about the emotions your feeling later okay?"

Pierce:"Do you swear?"

Ava:"Yes I swear!"


Ava:"Also don't you guys dare use magic here people will attack you if you do"she says with a serious face

Lorelai:"Okay I'm back now lets' go get our tickets oh but first we have to choose what movie we wanna see"

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