Ava's Sick

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No One's POV

Aphmau and the girls had gone to sleep when Aphmau woke up to the sound of someone opening the bedroom door she thought it was Ava so she stood up and walked over to the dark figure

Aphmau:"Ava is that you"she says rubbing her eyes

Rhys:"No, Ava is still in the spell pool?"

Aphmau:"Oh, my bad but what are you doing in here?"

Rhys:"I wanted to read this"he says grabbing something in Ava's drawer

Aphmau:"Really a Bra's Magazine , do you even know what that is?"

Rhys:"A Bra Magazine?"

Aphmau:"Of course you didn't know what that means"she says placing her head on her forehead"

At the Spell Pool

Lief was teleporting back and forward towards Ava and as he was gonna slice her Pierce stopped him by putting his blade in front of her

Pierce:"What are you doing Lief?"he says pushing him back out of the spell pool

Lief:"Oh come on don't tell me you don't think about killing her too?"he says with a mischievous smirk

Lief:"How long are you gonna keep this up?"

Pierce:"As long as I need , Especially when your intentions aren't clear"

Lief:"Pleas my intentions are clear and simple I do what I feel like doing either I make her mine or I kill her sometimes I can't pick between the two and tonight I felt like killing her, simple"

Pierce:"Are life and death simple to you?"he says glaring at Lief

Lief:"Hehe why are you asking such stupid questions?"again Pierce just glares at Lief

Lief:"Look E-earth has change us I can't quite say why though"

Pierce:"Kill her"he says putting his blade down


Pierce:"I'm allowing you to do it so go"



Lief then starts laughing manically and then approaches Ava about to strike he stops and says


At that exact moment Asch comes out and blast Lief with a fireball pushing him to a wall and making him fall

Asch:"Why do you insist in defying my orders?"

Lief the shakes his head and stands up

Lief:"You all new how I was when I asked to become a Knight!"

Asch:"We are trying to court the human prince-sorceress we can't do that if she's dead!"

Lief:"She's already dead!"

Asch and Pierce:"WHAT!?"they say with a worried expression

The three all walk to Ava's body and Asch picking her up

Asch:"Wh-who did this is was you wasn't it?"he says looking at Lief

Lief:"I-i wish!"

Pierce:"What do we do?"

Asch:"Rhys Aphmau!"

Lief:"No, Asch don't tell them!"

Asch:"We have no choice , RHYS APHMAU!"

Pierce:"Where is Rhys and Aphmau?"

Lief:"Oh no her parent's must have send their 911 soldiers to them"

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