Kawaii-Chan and her Sweetness

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~~~Time Skip~~~(1 day after the daemos left)

All the girls except Aphmau(Who was at a gym) were taking a bath together

Ava:"This is so calm"


Kawaii-Chan:"Oh how I wish Aphmau was here"

Lucinda:"Yeah she'd love this"

Ava:"It's been long since we've seen a horny guy"

All the girls blush

Ava:"You know what I mean they do have horns so yeah"

The out of the nowhere Lief pops his head out of the wall

Lief:"What are you girls doing?"

They all scream

Asch:"What are you doing?" he says as he pops his head next to Lief

They scream again

Rhys:"You can't be half way through the walls its gonna waste my po-.. what are you doing?"

Lief:"I know wait i'ma gonna call everyone"goes back in through the wall then all the daemos are staring at the girl who were naked taking a bath

Ava:"GET OUT!!"

Lief:"What why?"

Ava:"If you don't get out!"

Asch:"You'll do what?!"

Katelyn:"We can't move right now!"

Ava:"Get out or I'll use my magic to kill you"

Asch:"You've done nothing but throw idle threats our way"

Ava:"And so have you !"

All the daemos feel a dark presence behind they turn to see Aphmau she quickly hits Asch in the face leaving him a bruise he was gonna use his fire magic but then she threw water at his hand all the daemos look shocked

Aphmau:"GET THE HELL OUT RIGHT NOW!!"she said giving them all a death stare as a dark aura rises around her

They all get scared and run out including Asch

Kawaii-Chan:"Thank you so much Aphmau"

Katelyn:"Yeah that was embarrassing"

Ava:"Remember me never to get into an argument with Aphmau ever again"

They all laugh

Lucinda:"Well you haven't see her in her scariest moments believe me"

Ava:"Wait what?!"

Aphmau:"That's true anyways what happened why where they all in here"

Katelyn:"They just went through the walls"

Aphmau:"We're gonna have to fix that unless we want something bad like this to happen again"


~~~Time Skip~~~

All the daemos where sitting down and Asch had a ice pack on his cheek where Aphmau had punched him

Ava:"So let me get this straight you can come through the walls from anywhere you want?"

Leif:"Rhys literally just said that?"

Aphmau gives him a death stare and he looks down


Ava:"Well then I can fix that"She goes to her room and comes out with a red crayon

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