Dating A Daemos Pt. 4 : Getting Lost

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With Aphmau

After Aphmau throwing a tantrum for a while ,she calmed down and although she was still very angry at Asch she didn't try to hurt him so she just walked into a clothing store

Aphmau:"Wow so much clothing"she says as she walks through the clothing with Asch and Pierce follow behind

Asch:"What are we looking for?"he says inpatient again

Aphmau:"We're just gonna try some clothing on, and before you think about running away again know that when I find you Pierce won't be stopping again"she says as she turns to see Asch stopping from sneaking away

Asch:"Ugh , fine"

Aphmau:"Re-Ohh, this looks cute "she says as she runs up to a tied up red crop-top instantly getting distracted from what she was gonna say

Aphmau:"Though I cannot wear it *sigh*"she says as she looks down at her body that was covered by long jeans and a hoodie with a pouting face

Pierce:"Why not?"he says with a confused face

Aphmau:"Because , of my scars it'd be weird seeing a person with tons of scars walking around"she says as she turns around tp Pierce

Pierce:"Why is it weird?"

Aphmau:"they're gonna think something bad about me like I got abused or i'm a criminal "

Pierce:"That's bad?"

Aphmau:"Yes Pierce"

Asch:"Can't you just heal them?"he says with his arms crossed

Aphmau:"I can't heal myself"she says as she puts the shirt back

Asch:"Ugh , who cares what others think!"

Aphmau:"I do!"


Aphmau:"I don't know , ego ?"


Aphmau:"You know what your right I look good in anything"she says in a sassy tone as she grabs the shirt


Aphmau:"Do you guys want anything?"

Pierce:"But we already have human clothing?"

Asch:"Do we need more?"

Aphmau:"I forget your not from this world"

Aphmau:"Let's see what else we can find"she says as she walks away


After minutes of grabbing clothing

Aphmau:"Okay now were are the dressing rooms?"

Asch:"The what?"

Aphmau:"It's a place where people go to try on the clothing"

Asch:"Why would they have a room for that?"

Aphmau:"Cause were decent people?"she says in a sassy tone

Asch:"Whats th- wait?"he says looking around


Asch:"Where's Pierce?"

Aphmau:"Oh shoot I wasn't paying attention"


Aphmau:"We have to look for him!"

Asch:"I'll go this way!"he says running of quickly

Aphmau:"No were sup- He left"she says putting her hand on head

With Pierce

No One's POV

Pierce:"Where is everyone?"

Pierce walked off accidentally and couldn't find Aphmau or Asch for a while then he heard someone screaming his name

Asch:"Pierce, where the hell are you?!"

Pierce:"Prince Asch?"

Asch:"Finally where were you?"

Pierce:"I got lost"

Asch:"I've been looking for you for the last couple of hours!"

Pierce:"Where's Aphmau?"

Asch:"Oh she was this way , follow"he says walking back to where he was and Pierce following

Asch:"She is r- wait where'd she go?!"

Pierce:"You lost her?"he says scared

With Aphmau

Aphmau:"This is the dumbest idea i've ever had I'm not from this world how did I except to go somewhere i hadn't been"she says moping and walking endlessly

Aphmau:"Ugh , I couldn't be more lost now could I"she says moping

With Asch and Pierce

Asch:"No, no ,no where could she be we looked everywhere in the store she has to be some where!?"he says panicking

Pierce:"Wait isn't that Leif and Katelyn?"he says looking over to the outside of the store

Asch:"We should ask them if they seen Aphmau!"he says quickly running over to them with Pierce following

Katelyn:"Asch is that you?"

Asch:"Yes, have you seen Aphmau?"he says panicking

Katelyn:"Wait you lost her!"

Leif:"You did what!?"

Pierce:"We had an issue and got separated and now we can't find her"

Katelyn:"She doesn't know here way around too much she might be scared or worst in danger!"

Leif:"How could you let her get lost!"

Asch:"Ugh I don't know she was staying some where a second ago but then she wasn't there when I came back!"

Katelyn:"Darn it quickly we have to look for her "

Pierce:"We have to stick together that's how we lost her in the first place"

Katelyn:"Right , but that won't allow us to cover more ground what if we don't get to her fast enough and something bad happens"she says sadly

Lucinda:"Let's hope for the the best Katelyn"


Lucinda:"Surprise, I was around here when I over heard your little dilema and I thought I could help"

Katelyn:"Thank you Lucinda now we should really get started looking for Aphmau"

Lucinda:"Right, although I agree we shouldn't get split cause we'd get lost we won't cover much ground so why don't we split in groups instead"

Leif:"Wow that's a smart idea"

Lucinda:"Right, Pierce and me go that way *points left* and Katelyn , Asch , and Leif that way *points* right "

Katelyn:"Staying with the quite one , lucky"*whispering*


Katelyn:"Nothing, let's just get moving"

Lucinda:"Okay meet here in a hour okay"


And the two groups go there separate ways trying to look for Aphmau

(Poor Aphmau she's gotten into so many bad problems in this series XD, and sorry again for taking so long to make this chapter at first I had an idea for it  but decided to ditch it mid-way so sorry about that do hope you enjoy this though)

(Original plan was to actually have Aphmau try on clothing with the Daemos seeing her but then Pierce would get lost and when Aphmau and Asch found him he was in front of female lingerie and Pierce asked Aphmau to try it on but of course she'd refused and then they'd run into Katelyn and Leif and they all walked home together, if you like to see that chapter instead of this one then I could upload it just comment for)

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