I'll wait for you

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~~~Couple Minutes Later~~~

Aphmau's POV

After forcing the guys to clean the house and Aaron and Zane being able to come back on there own, Ava finally said she was good enough to see everyone

Aphmau:"Okay you guys can see her but please don't be pushy or harsh with her okay?"


Aphmau:"Alright then "I say as I open the door to Ava's room

No One's POV

Ava:"Hi guys"she says smiling and waving Noi was about to run up and hug her but Aphmau stopped him

Aphmau:"Not now Noi she's still sick"

Noi:"Oh alright then"he says with a disappointed sad look

Asch:"Geez took you long enough!"

Aphmau:"Be nice Asch , although I doubt you can"she whispers the last part



Pierce:"Are you better now Ava?"

Ava:"Yes, I'm feeling much better"

Noi:"Mrs.Oates said it would only take you a couple suns so you could get better"

Asch:"She's taking forever to recover!"

Aphmau:"Shut up Asch!"

Asch:"Make me"

Ava:"You guys fight like a married couple you know that right?"

Aaron then coughs and Aphmau gets tense


Ava:"Oh wow you must be the new guys?"

Aaron and Zane:"Yes"

Aaron:"My names Aaron it's a pleasure to meet you"he says smiling and shaking hands with Ava

Noi:"Why are you holding her hand?"he says somewhat angry

Aaron:"Uh what? No we aren't technically holding hands it's cold a hand shake it's used as a way to compromise or just be respectful"


Ava:"Anyways my names Ava and if your Aaron you must be Zane right?"she says looking over at Zane


Ava:"Well, you can stay as long as you want here"

Aaron:"About that.."


Aaron:"We won't be staying, the potion we made to get here only lasted a couple of days and in a couple of hours we will be leaving"as he says this the daemos all seemed glad

Aphmau and Kawaii-Chan:"WHAT!"they say with a angry sad face"

Aphmau:"Why hadn't you told us?"

Aaron:"We were but we got caught up in other things"

Aphmau:"Alright then "she says with a sad face

Ava:"Oh and by the way I have to go"


Ava:"My parents wanted to have food with me"

Aphmau:"Oh you should take someone with you just in case"

Katelyn and Lucinda:"Me"

Katelyn:"Lucinda, I said it first"

Lucinda:"I clearly was first!"

Aphmau:"Can you take them both?"

Ava:"Oh sure I'll just tell my parents that I had company over"

Aphmau:"Alright then ,see you later Ava"

Ava:"Mhm"she says smiling as she walks out of her room

Aphmau:"And Katelyn and Lucinda"

Lucinda and Katelyn:"Yes?"

Aphmau:"Behave"she says with a serious stare

Lucinda and Katelyn:"Right!"

~~~Later That day~~~

Ava was still at dinner with her parents while the daemos where entertained with a tv show while Kawaii-Chan and Aphmau was saying goodbye to Aaron and Zane

Aphmau:"So you guys are leaving"she says sadly

Kawaii-Chan:"For now?"

Zane:"We can still make more potions to come back"

Aphmau and Kawaii-Chan:"Really!?"they say with a beaming smile

Aaron:"Yeah and we plan to make more"

Aphmau:"I'm grateful for that I'll miss you guys"she says as she hugs them both and Kawaii-Chan too

Zane:"Well hopefully we see each other later"

Kawaii-Chan:"Yeah goodbye Zane"she says as she hugs him one more time

Aphmau:"Please come back to me soon"she says almost about to cry

Aaron:"I will"he says with a smile then kisses Aphmau and Kawaii-Chan Squealing in the background

Aphmau:"Aaron.."she says as her hands is on his cheek

Aaron:"I'll be back"

Aphmau:"I'll wait for you"she says smiling sadly then Aaron and Zane both disappear

Aphmau's Mind:"Many time had passed since the last time we saw each other , but I was still here waiting for you and I will wait for you as long as you need Aaron~~"

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