To the Mall

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The Evening of that Day

No Ones POV

Ava:"Assimilate you guys?"

Rhys:"Yes we would like th-"

Aphmau and Ava laugh a little while the other girls are making food

Leif:"They mock us?"


Rhys:"Asch can perhaps explain it to you"

Asch:"Teach us your human ways now!"

Aphmau:"Asking us like that isn't gonna he-"

Ava:"Wait if you do you'll leave?"

Rhys:"Yes faster than you think"



Ava:"Really, really?"






Aphmau:"Kill joy"

Ava:"I was seriously hoping that you'd guys would have stolen something from me"

Noi:"Why would you hope that?"


Ava:"Because losing a few hundred dollars isn't worth dealing with the stre-...... never mind"

Asch:"Assimilate us NOW!"

Ava:"A sorceress like myself it will be hard to teach you the human ways"

Noi:"Sorceress"he says with gleaming eyes

Ava:"First of all i must conjure you some human clothing"

Rhys:"Is what were wearing not suitable?"


Ava:"It's cause I casted a spell that attracted demons from around the world to one place , it's called a convention spell"

Aphmau puts her hand in her face

Noi:"A summoner Whoa!"

Asch:"What are these clothing ?"

Ava:"Ugh right"she then walks over to a piggy bank

Ava:"This here is-"

Asch:"The sorceress magic is mine"he grabs the piggy bank and passes it to Pierce he then breaks it


The girls from the table walk over to see what the commotion was about

Katelyn:"What's going on"

Rhys:"*Sigh* were so sorry"

Ava:"It's a sacrifice to make you guys leave as fast as possible"

Ava then looks at the cash and starts counting

Ava:"Oh my god 150 dollars in this ,Oh f...wait does that count I guess 151 now"

Lief:"Who is she speaking to?"


Ava:"Alright then let's go guys I'm gonna take you to a very sacred place called the mall..."

Aphmau:"Katelyn can you buy me new clothe I can't go out with this anymore until I clean it"she says as she hands her money

Lief:"Why not?"

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