Dating A Daemos Pt .3

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With Kawaii-Chan

Kawaii-Chan:"How did you like your ice-cream?"

Rhys:"It was so great and amazing!"he says with sparkles in his eyes

Kawaii-Chan:"That's nice Kaw- oh um I mean I liked it a lot too!"she says trying to ignore that she almost talked in first person again

Rhys:"Are you okay?"

Kawaii-Chan:"Uhh yeah , hey look at that we should get going home!"she says trying to change the subject

Rhys:"Okay then?"he seem kinda confused because Kawaii-Chan was acting weird

Kawaii-Chan's Mind:"Ugh so embarrassing I don't want to go back to talking like that!"she says very distracted


Kawaii-Chan:"......."she was still in her mind


Kawaii-Chan:"Oh, uh I'm sorry I'm really out of it"she says with a derpy sad face

Rhys:"What's wrong?"he says grabbing her shoulder"

Kawaii-Chan:"It's nothing serious it's just about something silly I used to do in high school"

Rhys:"High School?"

Kawaii-Chan:"Right, I sometimes forget your not from this world"


Kawaii-Chan:"It's nothing we should really get going home already though , okay?"

Rhys:"Right, let's go"he says with a worried smile

As they both start walking home they see Ava and Noi from far away

Kawaii-Chan:"Ohhhhh!"she whisper screams

Rhys:"Oh look it's Ava and Noi we should go say-"but he gets cut off by Kawaii-Chan pulling him to the corner of a ally

Kawaii-Chan:"No, I wanna watch from a far this ship is so cute!"she whisper screams again

Rhys:"What's a ship?"

Kawaii-Chan:"Oh it's like when you want to people to end up together "

Rhys:"End up together?"

Kawaii-Chan:"When you think there great for each other , like they should end up together and start dating"she says with such excitement

Rhys:"So you think Ava and Noi should end up with each other?"

Kawaii-Chan:"Yeah duh , I mean just look at them there great for each other"she says looking at both of them

Kawaii-Chan:"Ahh there holding hands!"

Rhys:"Like a they're "dating?"

Kawaii-Chan:"Yeah couples do that all the time and they look so cute , aww they're even blushing"she says not breaking her attention from them not even once until she feels Rhys grab her hand

Kawaii-Chan:"R-Rhys?"she says slowly turning around and blushing

Rhys:"Can we go home like this?"he says blushing and turning his face away from her

Kawaii-Chan:"Oh-umm, okay"she says blushing as he smiles at kindly at her and they both walk home

With Aphmau

Aphmau:"Asch were are you!?"

Pierce:"Prince Asch?!"

Aphmau:"Were on Earth could he be?"

All of the sudden they see Asch running away from security

Pierce:"As-"but he cuts off by Aphmau grabbing his arm

Aphmau:"Wait let me go, okay?"


Security Guard:"Stop right there!"the Aphmau grabs Asch from the collar stopping him


Security Guard:"Thanks for catching him ma'am"

Aphmau:"Oh umm, yeah he's my umm mentally not okay "husband"he he"she says suspiciously (the reason I choose to put husband is because people with mental disorders aren't allowed to be out unless they're with their guardian or wife/husband and also cause it sounds better than friend)

Asch:"What!?"he says angrily as he escapes her grasp to be just grabbed again from his arm

Security Guard:"Oh we're so sorry ma'am but he stole a food and hurt one of our guards"

Aphmau:"I am so sorry for what my husband did, i'll gladly pay for the damages" she says as she gets her wallet out

Security Guard:"Well in total it's 340 dollars"

Aphmau:"340 d-dollars?"She says as her jaw drops and she holds Asch arms tightly

Asch:"Ouch hey yo-"but then Aphmau covers his mouth

Security Guard:"Yes he stole a lot of things and hurt a security guard pretty bad and hospital fee's aren't cheap here"

Aphmau:"Alright , h-here you g-go"she says as she passes him the money shaking

Security Guard:"Thanks ma'am please take care of your husband while your here please"

Aphmau:"Sure, I won't let him run of anymore"she says still shaking with anger and sadness

Security:"We'll be leaving now"he says as he walks of and Pierce approaches Aphmau and Aphmau finally let's go of Asch

Pierce:"Are you okay?"

Asch:"Argh those humans will pay they were chasing me around !"

Aphmau:"Asch..."she says shaking

Pierce and Asch:"Huh?"they both say turning towards her

Aphmau:"You made me spend almost of my money !!"she says about to attack Asch but then Pierce grabs her into a hug to stop her from attacking him

Pierce:"Aphmau ple-"

Aphmau:"I swear when I get outta here your a dead Asch"she says trying to get out of Pierce's hold

Asch:"Ahh Aphmau is trying to kill me!"

With Katelyn

Katelyn:"*huff* in the *huff* end I was superior"she says with sweat all over her as she looks down on a passed out Lief

Katelyn:"I didn't think I could make it through 2 hours of yoga myself but I did , and now I have sweat all over me and a passed out Leif are you serious with me right now?"she says as she looks to the floor with her hands on her knees and still panting

Leif:"Uhh , my body hurts all over~"he says waking up

Katelyn:"Oh good you're awake"she says with a look of relieve

Leif:"Really?"he says with a glint o hope

Katelyn:"Yeah I'm not planning on carrying you all the way home"she says with a derpy tired face

Leif:"Oh"and his glint of hope went away

Katelyn:"Oh and Leif?"she turns over at him

Leif:"yeah?"he says looking at Katelyn

Katelyn:"I beat you hah!"she says grinning at him

Leif:"Darn-it"he says falling back to the ground

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