Spa with Daemos

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In the Daemos Place

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In the Daemos Place

Aphmau:"This is a bad Idea"

Lucinda:"Never....."she says in a sarcastic ton

Ava:"Oh come this is gonna fun"

Kawaii-Chan:"Yeah cause sneaking into a daemos boy lair is fun and safe"

Katelyn:"I can't believe that I agreed to do this"

Ava:"Stop moping and lets se-"she the gasp as she walks into a room the girls follow in and see a beautiful hot-tub with waterfalls at the sides

Lucinda:"This was a great idea"she says looking around

Ava then takes her clothes of and stays in her underwear and so did Lucinda and both jump in

Katelyn:"I'm not doing that"


Aphmau:"Were in a strangers place and your doing this"

Asch:"Whats going on?"

Then all the daemos walk in

Ava:"Well I was angry at myself for not exploring the other parts of this place then forgave myself by getting into this awesome hut-tub of yours"

Noi:"but that's no-"Lief then hits Noi to tell him to shut up

Lucinda:"Why don't you join us?"

The daemos all shrug but then walk in and sit next to them

Ava:"Well your suppose to take your clothe off first but never mind now"

Lucinda:"Katelyn, Kawaii-Chan , Aphmau?"

Aphmau:"Fine"She says as she gets behind a pillar and Katelyn and Kawaii-Chan follow they all take their clothe off (except their underwear of course) the both Katelyn and Kawaii-Chan join the others

Rhys:"Wow Kawaii-Chan that's a huge scar?"

Kawaii-Chan:"Oh it's nothing really "

Lucinda:"Aphmau are you coming?"

Aphmau:"I'm going "the she walks out from behind the pillar

All the daemos and Ava stare at her body there was scars everywhere and one that was so deep that it showed a scar from behind too

Asch:"What happened to you...."he looks at her with a worried look

Rhys the walks up to her and examines her wound in the heart

Rhys:"Goddess or not anyone would die with a scar through the heart so how are you alive?"

Aphmau:"Nothing for you to worry about"

Pierce:"You look nice "he says not noticing what he said

Asch:"Yeah you do"Asch adds afterwards

Aphmau:"Umm"she says blushing

Ava just stares in aww

Lucinda trying to break the weird atmosphere

Lucinda:"So tell us a bit of your world you guys?"

Rhys:"You wanna know about our world?"

Asch:"Why don't you tell us about the world you came from?"

Kawaii-Chan:"what do you guys wanna know about our world ?"

Pierce:"What happened?"

Aphmau:"What do you mean?"

Lief:"You say your world is peaceful like this one but you have more scars then anyone here put together and we come from a world of constant war and fighting ?"

Noi:"Yeah it's pretty weird?"

Ava:"Yeah now that I think about it you never gave us your full story you seem to avoid some parts ?"

Lucinda's , Katelyn's , Kawaii-Chan's , and Aphmau's eyes widen

Aphmau:"You don't need to know "she says standing up and leaving Katelyn follows behind both were hurt badly the most in those times from the group so they get tense in the subject

Asch:"Did we do something wrong?"

Lucinda:"Me and Kawaii-Chan are semi okay with that subject but both of those girls got hurt more then just physically in that time "

Pierce:"She lost someone?"

Kawaii-Chan:"No it was more then that....."


Lucinda:"To put in simple words she lost herself and someone special to her lost all memories and sight , and many of her friends including her mother were lost in that war"

Pierce:"She lost herself?"?

Kawaii-Chan:"She isn't suppose to be alive she had been dead for 1 day but came back to life we don't know how though"

All the daemos stare in shock

Rhys:"What that's impossible?!"

Lucinda:"That's what we thought...."

Lucinda and Kawaii-Chan stand up

Kawaii-Chan:"Well you guys can stay here if you want but we're leaving alright"they wave and say goodbye as they walk out

Lief:"Who would of ever thought that , that;s what they went through"

Noi:"They're live sounds sad and scary"

Ava:"It does poor them"

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