A Dog Pack

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~~~Time Skip~~~

After a while they had let the group go in to watch a movie Noi sat next to Ava , then Lorelia , then Katelyn , then Lucinda , then Kawaii-Chan , then Rhys , then Asch , then Aphmau (nobody knows how she got stuck there) , then Pierce . They had decided to watch a scary movie .

As the movie starts it was very noisy with the guys saying something about every scene the only quite one was Pierce , while Asch in the other hand kept shouting poor .The girls told the guys to shut up and they kinda did......not really.....they still kept talking.

After some while the scary parts with jumpscares started popping out and the daemos screamed a lot which without doubt got the kicked out of the movies all the daemos where shaking with fear as they saw the monsters on the screen the girls were just laughing even Asch was trembling with fear.Soon after Lorelai left, they started walking home at night and the guys kept jumping at every sound they heard which was very amusing to the girls.

Rhys:"What type of mo-vie was that!?"he said trembling as he confronts the girls

Lucinda:"Aww man your such scaredy-cats!"she said laughing

Leif:"What does that even mean!?"he says angrily at the fact they were laughing at them

Katelyn:"NO kidding you can't even handle a scary movie"she says laughing

Ava:"Yeah, I thought since you were all "buff and warrior" you'd be okay with watching a scary movie like that!"

Asch:"Don't speak like that to us!"he says very angrily

Noi was practically scarred he was shaking and Pierce was just a little jumpy but quiet after the movie. Out of nowhere a pack of homeless dogs start barking at them.

Leif:"Ahhh monsters!!"he says jumping back

Noi:"They're gonna eat us!"he says with a crying face

Ava:"Shoot why are there so much dogs right now!?"she says hiding in back of Pierce

Lucinda:"I left my potions at home"she says as she looks at the dogs who are growling at her

Asch:"Back away !"he says as he spawns a fireball in his hand

Katelyn:"Asch don't you dare shoot at them"she screams loudly at Asch

Kawaii-Chan:"I'm too young to see that!"

Ava:"Why don't we let them calm down"she says approaching a dog which was about to bite her if it weren't for Pierce being their

Katelyn:"Bad ide-"he turns to see Aphmau petting a bunch of the dogs in the middle of the bunch

Katelyn:"Aphmau what are you doing?"she says smacking her forehead

Kawaii-Chan:"Of course she would pet them"she says sighing

Ava:"Are you sure that's safe?"she says with a doubtful look

Leif:"Well she's dead"

Aphmau:"They're so cute!"she says as she grabs all of them cuddling them

Asch:"What!?"he says growling

Aphmau:"I love them so much!"she says with sparkles in her eyes as she cuddles them more

Pierce:"No"he says sternly

Katelyn:"Aphmau really?"

Aphmau:"Can I keep them?"she says as she holds them up

Lucinda:"Aphmau we're leaving"she says as she drags her out of the huddle

Asch's Mind:"I've never been more jealous of a creature, and she just talked?!"he says as he walks behind Aphmau who was being dragged

Pierce's Mind:"She talked"he says with a kind smile as she looks over at her

Aphmau's Mind:"Nooo the cute doggies!!!!"

Soon they all head back to the house with the daemos still questioning themselves if Ava's angry at them or not for getting kicked out of the movies.

(Sorry if chapter was short and not so good)

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