Before They're Gone

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At the Laundry Room with Ava and Aphmau

Aphmau:"You know you won't be able to avoid them for long right?"

Ava:"It's not like that it's just that-"

Aphmau:"It's about the kissing thing ain't it?"

Ava:"Ugh I don't know why I did it!"

Aphmau:"They care about you"

Ava:"Yeah , for their own benefit though"

Aphmau:"What about Noi?"

Ava:"I uh-"

Mrs.Oates:"Oh hi their Ava and Aphmau"

Aphmau and Ava:"Hi Mrs.Oates"

Ava:"Here let me take that for you"she says grabbing her basket

Mrs.Oates:"I'm confused don't you have a laundry room in your apartment?"

Ava:"Yeah I do but I'm uhh"

Mrs.Oates:"Avoiding your boy toys?"

Ava:"Yeah......they're not my-"she says as Aphmau giggles at the scenery

Mrs.Oates:"Oh I know i'm just teasing you, I'm going to assume they (Daemos and girls) live with you?"

Ava:"Yeah they do"

Mrs.Oates"I'd figured as much I hear them yelling a lot of the time "

Aphmau:"Cough , Cough , Asch , Cough , Cough"

With Asch


Rhys:"Are you okay your majesty?"

Asch:"Yeah I'm fine just thinking"

Back with Ava

Aphmau:"Still , i'm telling you the guys they truly do care for you"

Mrs.Oates:"Indeed they seem to deeply care for you"

Ava:"Again, it's for their own benefit "

Aphmau:"Most people are kind for different reasons Ava, the entirety of the human race is only in nice in hope that we don't kill each other we mutually benefit from that "

Mrs.Oates:"I wouldn't assume you aren't kind to those boys unless your getting something out of it yourself "

Ava:"Huh , uhh I mean -"

Mrs.Oates:"Heh you know ever since you moved into this apartment , I haven't seen you this happy "

Aphmau:"At some point we have to stop being so stubborn and be honest with are feelings , if your happy to have friends then you should enjoy them while you have them before they leave you....."she says with a sad face as she remembers Blaze and Ava thinking about the guys leaving her and as well as Aphmau and her friends

Aphmau:"It really is sad how every happy thing comes to end at one point and we must accept it , you have to learn to value what you have before it's gone..."

Ava:"How about you guys have you had friends leave you before?"

Mrs.Oates:"Oh yeah plenty some just because we faded apart and some well I mean they died "

Aphmau:"Yeah , same here"

Ava:"Oh um I'm sorry"

Mrs.Oates:"No no it happens it's a natural part of life"

Aphmau:"Yeah , and our point still stands it's better to of had people whom you cared about then none at all"

Ava:"Yeah , I guess your right"

Mrs.Oates:"Ohh , that reminds me I bought a gift for you Ava and your friends"

Ava:"A gift for me?"

Mrs.Oates:"Yes follow me girls "she says as she walks out of the room with the girls following her

At the Apartment

(The girls are eating in the kitchen )

Leif:"Has anyone seen Princess Ava or Queen Aphmau?"

Noi:"Umm well Ava isn't in her room and Aphmau neither"

Rhys:"Did you go in their without permission?"

Noi:"Ahh J-j-just to ch-check on her to make sure no one killed her!"

Leif:"I check on them as well in case some one tries killing her?"

Rhys:"Princess Ava asked us not to enter her chambers without permission at least prince ASch has the decency to-!"

Asch:"Has anyone seen Princess Ava or Queen Aphmau they aren't in their room!"he says as he walks out of the bedroom

Rhys:"Pierce please tell me you don't-"

Pierce:"I check on them as well"

Rhys:"*sigh* No wonder Princess Ava seems to get frustrated with us , some of you can't follow simple instructions!"

Lucinda:"What are you guys bickering about now?"she says as she walks out of the kitchen and into the living room

Asch:"Have you seen Queen Aphmau or Princess Ava?"

Lucinda:"Oh yeah they said they were gonna go do something I forgot though"

Rhys:"So they're out right now?"

Kawaii-Chan:"Oh no , they're in the laundry room "

Katelyn:"Doesn't she have one in here already?"

Lucinda:"Ohh she seems to be trying to avoid you guys"

Leif:"Why would she do that?"

Asch:"And Queen Aphmau?"

Kawaii-Chan:"Oh she just wanted to go with her"

Then the door opens showing Aphmau carrying a TV with Ava beside her

! To be Continued !

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