With Aaron Pt.2

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Aaron's POV

I've been gathering the materials that Lucinda gave me I want Aphmau back she's been hurt ever since she went to that place I don't want her to be with that Asch guy ever since I saw him do what he did to Aphmau and what Katelyn told me about him . I don't like the sound of him and today I finally got everything I need to go over there but the potion won't last as long as the one used on them but I at least want to see Aphmau again.

Aaron:"Hey Garroth have you seen Zane?"

Garroth:"Oh yeah he's at the store why?"

Aaron:"Well I've gathered all the materials to make the potion and I know that Zane might want to see Kawaii-Chan"

Garroth:"That's kind of you , he'll be back in a minute"

Aaron:"Alright thanks Garroth"

~~~I minute later~~~

Zane:"I'm home!"

Aaron:"Oh finally your here"

Zane:"You needed something?"

Aaron:"Well I got the potion to go see Aphmau and I was thinking if you wanted to go to see Kawaii-Chan?"

Zane:"YES OF COURSE"he says jumping up

Aaron:"Alright then we need 1 last thing"

Zane:"And what is that?"


~~~A couple Minutes later~~~

Zane:"Oh you've gotta be kidding me how do we get that?"

Aaron:"Remember the place Ein had under the Cabin?"

Zane:"Oh yeah......."

Aaron:"We have to go their to get the last item"

Zane:"And I'm guessing I have to go too?"

Aaron:"I'd appreciated it yes?"


~~~Couple Minutes later~~~(At the Cabin)

No One's POV

Zane:"Have you found it?"

Aaron:"No have you?"

Zane:"No I haven't seen it"

Aaron:"Darn-it were is it?"

Zane:"And your sure you saw it here?"

Aaron:"Yea- oh wait found it!"

Zane:"Awesome let's go now then "

Aaron:"Yeah we should this place gives me bad memories"

Zane:"Yeah so lets get back home and use this potion"

Aaron's Mind:"I'm coming Aphmau"

Zane's Mind:"I'm coming Kawaii-Chan"

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