A Movie Date Begins

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Before we begin both Kawaii-Chan and Aphmau have there ears and tail out :)

As soon as Lorelai walks in she sees how all the daemos where fighting over Ava as she stands Behind Lucinda , Katelyn, and Kawaii-Chan while Aphmau watches in amusement show found it funny how they were fighting over Ava.

Ava:"Alright that's enough!"she says screaming angrily

Katelyn:"You guys need to get your stuff sorted out"she says with her arms crossed

Ava:"Yeah right now I need to stop Lorelai from-"

Lorelai:"I see this is a bad time?"she says walking into the room with a smirk

Everyone in the room turn around shocked to see Lorelai standing in the middle of the hallway out of no where

Ava:"How did you get inside?"she says in a squeaky shocked voice

Lorelai:"The door was open so I let myself in"she says with a jumpy smile

Ava:"That's called a breaking in and entering"

Lorelai:"Let's be real here you would just slam the door in my face if I didn't let myself in"

Ava:"What kinda book did you read exactly?"she says a bit of terrified and angry at the same time

Katelyn:"Oh I remember you!"she says as she takes a closer look at Lorelai

Kawaii-Chan:"Oh yeah from the mall"

Lorelai:"Oh hey it's you guys, I didn't realize you liked to wear cosplay items so much"she says looking both at the Daemos and Kawaii-Chan

Lorelai:"Oh I haven't seen you , you must be one of Ava's other friends"she says looking at Aphmau, Aphmau only waves a high at her with a kind smile

Ava:"Oh yeah her names Aphmau and yeah she also cosplays hehe"she says lying to Lorelai about what Aphmau really is

Lorelai:"Oh nice to meet you then , by the way you were just trying the cosplay on or was it for something else"she says as she smirks at Ava and then all the girls then show a small taint of pink as Ava blushes a lot

Lucinda:"Ahh no they were just trying them on hehe"

Lorelai:"Okay then well let's get going to the movies"


Ava and Kawaii-Chan:"Nu-nothing!"they say still blushing"

Asch:"What is this movies?"

Ava:"Don't ask!"

Lorelai:"Have you guys never been to a movie?"


Lorelai:"What, really not even for a date!?"

Leif:"Wait , is that where you go to have a date?"

Lorelai:"Of course!"as soon as she says that the daemos then turn over to Ava

Ava:"Oh no"

Lorelai:"I have an idea!"she says as all the girls turn at her terrified

Ava:"Ha STOP!"

Slow Motion Camera

Lorelai:"We-sh-oul-d-all-go-to-the-mov-ies"she says as Ava starts screaming and knocks her down to the floor while the girls watch in shock

Slow Motion Camera Off

Leif:"Wow she just attacked her , I like that"he says with sparkling eyes

Lorelai:"Ugh Ava what the duck!?"she says as she was slowly standing up from the floor

Ava:"You have no idea what you just unleashed"she says with an angry face

Lorelai:"Yeah fun duh ,you guys should go get your horns off before we head out"she says with a jumpy tone

As the daemos where about to take their horns off using magic Lucinda said

Lucinda:"Take them off in Ava's room, for the stuff and the glues in there"they listen and go into Ava's room to take of the stuff

The girl then approach Ava an they all say

Katelyn , Kawaii-Chan , Lucinda , and Aphmau(Yes she speaks when the daemos are gone):"Well see you later Ava sorry we couldn't be there for you"they all say as they back away as soon as they do

Ava:"What no!"

Lorelai:"Oh don't worry you girls can come too!"

Katelyn:"No we wouldn't want to be a bother hehe"

Ava:"No I insist guys your coming with me"she says with a annoyed face

Lucinda:"Please don't "

Lorelai:"Oh you guys will enjoy it so much"

Kawaii-Chan:"Fine, i'll go put off my cosplay"she says with a moping expression as she walks into the restroom

Aphmau:"As intriguing as it sound *sarcastic* , I'm not going"

Lucinda:"Why not?"

Aphmau:"Let's just say i'm not feeling so great"

Ava:"Yeah, it's okay if you wanna stay then I understand

Lorelai:"I hope you feel better whatever is going on with you"she says with a sympathetic tone

Aphmau:"Thank you"

Ava:"Well I should really get changed, from my pajamas"she says walking over to her room and the daemos then walk out without there horns and Kawaii-Chan comes out of the restroom without her ears and tail

After a minute or two Ava comes out of her room

Asch:"Can you finally take us to this place you speak of?"

Lorelai:"Follow me!"

As they where all walking out Asch and Pierce notice that Aphmau was coming out

Asch:"Are you coming prisoner!?"(Lorelai was already ahead so she didn't hear him call her that)

Pierce:"Are you alright princess Aphmau?"Aphmau just stared at there direction

Asch:"What's going on to be honest I haven't heard you say a thing since we got here?"he says walking back into the apartment

Aphmau then walks over to where the Asch and Pierce where and pushed them out of the door and quickly shuts the door behind them as she does this she quickly sighs

Pierce:"Umm Aphmau are you alright?"he says with a worried expression as he turns towards the door

Asch:"Prisoner!!?"he says banging on the door as he was about to knock it down

Lucinda:"Are you guys coming or not?"she says as she walks up the stairs to where the daemos where at

Pierce:"What happened to Aphmau?"he says turning his attention towards Lucinda

Lucinda:"That is none of your concern now let's get going"she says with a very sassy tone

Asch:"Don't speak to me in such a tone!"

Lucinda:"Ugh let's just get going we don't want the others to wait for us too long"


Asch:"Grr Fine!"

Lucinda:"Finally let's just get going"she says walking down the stairs with the daemos following closely behind

Hope you enjoyed this chapter (Hint: Maybe Aphmau will end up going to the theater after feeling guilty for not going)

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