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Alex Green heard the footsteps before he felt his boyfriend Stephen Strange's arms come around his waist, Alex laughed softly as Stephen put his head on Alex's shoulder kissing the side of his neck making Alex blush

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Alex Green heard the footsteps before he felt his boyfriend Stephen Strange's arms come around his waist, Alex laughed softly as Stephen put his head on Alex's shoulder kissing the side of his neck making Alex blush.

"Don't burn the pancakes," Stephen whispers into Alex's neck making him shiver as goosebumps appear.

"Then don't make me burn the pancakes." Alex gently shoves Stephen away, looking at the clock he notices that it's 6:30 am and they go to work at 8 so they have plenty of time together.

"Have any new patients today?" Stephen asks watching Alex as he moves around in the kitchen smoothly.

"I have a 14-year-old kid who just lost his uncle." Alex always tells Stephen his cases but he never says names.

"Oh that's awful, but if anyone can help him, it's you." Stephen stood up and grabbed his plate so Alex didn't have to carry two plates at once.

At home, Alex sees a different side of Stephen that people don't see when he's at work, they see a cold man who only cares about saving lives not caring about letting family done gently when someone dies, not letting other people in on the operation choosing to work with Doctor Palmer most of the time, but Alex sees the caring Stephen, the one who comes home upset because he lost a patient even though it wasn't his fault, the Stephen that wants Doctor Palmer to be better than him because Stephen wants the best for her. That's the Stephen Alex sees every day.

"I love you." Alex breaks the silence of the two of them eating, Stephen smiled at Alex, soon Stephen thought, soon Stephen would put a ring on it.

"I love you too Alex, wanna take a shower with me?" Stephen asks suggestively wiggling his eyebrows making Alex laugh.

"No thank you, Dr. Strange, I have to clean up and put some coffee in our to-go cups." Alex stands up and kisses a pouting Stephen on the lips.

Alex laughs as he can hear Stephen grumbling making his way to take a shower, Alex shakes his head fondly as he gathers the dishes and rinses them off before putting them in the dishwasher.

Alex grabs his Spider-Man coffee cup that he uses, he makes his coffee first as Stephen's is a lot more complicated then Alex's as Alex just likes coffee with creamer in it.

"Is my coffee done yet?" Stephen teases walking into the kitchen.

"Not yet boo, Mine is just finished, why don't you make yours while I get dressed?" Alex doesn't wait for an answer he just walks past Stephen towards there bedroom smirking.

The bedroom smelled like Stephen's overpriced shampoo that Alex always shook his head whenever Stephen bought it.

Alex goes over to his side of the closet which looked a lot different than Stephen's which was filled with suits while Alex had mostly graphic t-shirts, he had a few suits but most of the time to work he wore a suit jacket over a graphic t-shirt.

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