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When Alex came home he couldn't sleep so he decided to pack the few clothes he had brought with him, the choice to live in the Sanctum with Stephen was surprisingly easy

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When Alex came home he couldn't sleep so he decided to pack the few clothes he had brought with him, the choice to live in the Sanctum with Stephen was surprisingly easy. Alex feels like if they go back to the penthouse the problems will stay with them, Alex wants to make this a new chapter in their relationship.

Of course, Veronica didn't know where Alex was moving, because Alex hasn't told her. He's afraid to, Veronica is like Alex the two of them need proof to believe in something, and the proof is what Alex doesn't have at the moment.

Alex rubs his eyes as he is hunched over the bar drinking his coffee, he's tired but he can't go to sleep because he's worried about Stephen. "Have you been up all night?" Alex flinches slightly when he hears Veronica's voice cut the silence. "Maybe, coffee is helping though," Alex smirks raising his coffee cup slightly.

"Why have you been? You need sleep." Veronica says as she walks towards the fridge to grab something to make breakfast with. "I can't. I packed this morning now I'm waiting for Stephen to come back." Alex runs his finger on the warm cup in his hands.

Alex can hear Veronica sigh loudly. "Are you going to come back to work? Your patients need you." If Alex was honest he forgot about his job, he forgot that he had a job to come back to. "Roni, I need to sort out my personal life before I try to help anyone with there's. I sent you recommendations for other therapists they can see." It goes quiet when Misty walks through the kitchen and kisses Veronica on the cheek before starting her own coffee.

"Don't stop on my account," Misty says turning back around towards her coffee. "I did pass them along Alex, but they want you," Veronica explains turning towards Alex. "Okay look, I know things that you don't know about and I can't tell you those things. I'm not ready to go back to work, and you have to be okay with that."

Veronica nods and places down a plate of breakfast in front of Alex. "Please answer me this, are you ever going to be ready?" She asks softly walking around towards Alex putting her arms around him. "I don't know," Alex whispers, he wraps his arms around Veronica and hugs her tightly. Even though they disagree the two of them are best friends, they've been through a lot with each other and nothing can bring them apart.

"Does whatever you can't tell me, have something to do with why you are worried about Stephen?" Veronica asks sliding into her seat next to Alex, Alex gives her a dirty look but nods. "Maybe soon I can tell you but not right now, I promise whenever I get the okay to tell you. I will." They fell into a comfortable silence, everything was fine they were eating breakfast until a noise appeared in the apartment.

Alex turned around while Veronica ran over and grabbed a knife holding it in front of her, but Alex wasn't afraid because he knew that noise. "Put down the knife Veronica," Alex said after glancing back at her. "Why?" Veronica asks puzzled but she slowly lowered it but not putting it back where she found out just yet.

"Because." Alex nods his head towards the portal that appeared just in time for Stephen to walk out. "This is what I couldn't tell you," Alex says out loud, but they all know he's talking to Veronica. "Sorry, just needed to get away," Stephen says sheepishly.

Alex shakes his head quickly, he brings his hands up to caress Stephen's cheek but the hiss that Stephen lets out stops Alex. "Oh god, Veronica. I need the first aid kit." Veronica nods and runs towards the bathroom where they keep it.

"Here, sit," Misty says pointing to the couch, Alex slowly guides Stephen towards the couch and lowers him down, the older man letting out a huff. Alex looks up expecting to see the portal still open but it wasn't there which means that Stephen must have closed it when he wasn't looking.

"Please tell me that you don't have any internal injures," Alex asks grabbing Stephen's hand and takes a seat in front of Stephen on the coffee table. "No." Stephen chuckles softly. "Wong healed those before I came here, I decided to leave the face wounds for you," Stephen smirks kissing Alex's palm.

"Gross, here love birds," Veronica says handing over the first aid kit. "I'm sure you'll explain later but I'll leave you two alone." Veronica continues patting Alex on the back before grabbing Misty's hand and leads the two of them to their bedroom.

Alex shakes his head fondly before unzipping the first aid kit, he grabs the alcohol swabs and cotton pads. "It's gonna sting," Alex warns waiting until Stephen nods before lightly swabbing the blood away. "I died today," Stephen says breaking the silence.

"What?" Alex drops the swab in shock, luckily Stephen catches it with his hand. "I kept reversing time but I died 1,000 times. The place where I fought Dormammu, time is irrelevant so I just kept reversing it, and eventually, he got tired. Gave up."

Alex's heartbreaks, he places the dirty swab on the table before leaning in and kisses Stephen on the lips gently. "That had to be hard, I'm so sorry." Stephen nodded looking down at his scarred hands. "It wasn't easy, but it did make me realize something."

Alex squints his eyes at Stephen before nodding at him telling him to continue whatever his thought was. "I want to get married, now. I don't want to wait." Alex opens his mouth to say something but he stops when he feels a nudge at his back, he looks behind him to see the cloak tapping him on the back. Alex can't hide the chuckle that he lets out.

"Let's do it, but I want to do it at the Sanctum." Stephen nods smiling before putting his hands around Alex's waist and kissing him softly. "I love you, forever."


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