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Alex was still processing the fact that he treats Spider-Man, a 14-year-old kid, because of patient confidentiality Alex couldn't tell anyone, not even Stephen, even if he wants too

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Alex was still processing the fact that he treats Spider-Man, a 14-year-old kid, because of patient confidentiality Alex couldn't tell anyone, not even Stephen, even if he wants too.

Alex rolled his shoulders as he's making breakfast, it's a rare day that Alex has to work but Stephen is off, Alex tried to tell Stephen he would take off but Stephen insisted that he'd work today.

"What are you cooking good looking?" Alex feels the arms of Stephen slip around his waist as Stephen kisses Alex's cheek.

"Bacon and eggs, are you sure you don't want me to stay home?" Alex asks as he's plating food.

"No, you need to work today babe, save those vacation days. I'm only off because Christine told me to." Stephen huffs grabbing his plate.

"How's her relationship with Rumer going?" Alex takes a bite of eggs.

"It's very new, but they seem to be happy." Alex nodded and let the conversation stop, once they're done Alex lets Stephen takes the place into the kitchen while he gets dressed.

He decided to go with a Queen shirt instead of his usual superhero shirt, not only was he going to be seeing Peter Parker but also Levi Chaudhari, who no matter how many times Alex told him, Levi still hated superheroes, Levi's appointment was last minute but he was prepared.

"I'll see you when you get home sweetheart." Alex puckered his lips and Stephen chuckled but kissed him.

"Love you!" Stephen said as Alex was walking out the door.

Shaking his Alex says love you back, he taps his foot as he rides the elevator down leaning against the wall.


They weren't busy today, they had a few walk-ins so far but it's almost time for Peter to arrive, Alex just finished his lunch when Veronica popped her head in to say that Peter was here.

"Send him in." Alex stood up and gathered his trash and threw it in the trash can.

"Hello, Peter." Alex gave Peter a bright smile.

"Hi." Peter sat down in the chair, he just looked confused.

"Are you okay?" Alex grabs a notebook that is labeled, Peter P.

"Um, not really." Peter huffed.

"Why?" Alex tilted his head in curiosity.

"Well, the other day Aunt May and I got a visitor, the guy knew my Uncle Ben." Peter sniffed, Alex, scooted the tissue box closer to Peter.

"How did he know your Uncle?" Alex says gently, he had no idea what he was about to here and he could have never expected what came out of Peter's mouth next.

"He was dating Uncle Ben back when I was born." Peter grabbed a tissue and started crying, Alex rushed over and hugged the teenager.

"Are you okay to keep going?" Alex asks once Peter calmed down, he nodded his head.

"I was so shocked, and Aunt May knew this whole time. I'm just hurt that Uncle Ben didn't tell me because I was so scared when I told them I was gay, makes me feel like he didn't trust me enough." Peter sniffs and rubs his nose on his sweatshirt he was wearing.

"Think of this way, you get to learn more about your Uncle in this way. How long were they together?" Alex crosses his legs laying the notebook on his lap.

"From 1999 to 2005 I think is what he said, He said he wants to stay in town a little bit if that's okay with him." Alex was at a loss of what to say, this is not what Alex thought Peter was going to bring up at all.

"It's nice that he's willing to stay and tell you about your uncle."

"Yea, he said I met him a few times before when I was younger." Peter tilts head as if he's trying to remember but shakes his head when he can't.

"I feel bad saying this, but our session is up, thank you for sharing this with me." Alex stands up and leads Peter to the door who nods his thanks.

When Peter leaves Alex huffs sitting in his chair, leaning back into his chair closing his eyes a little bit, just to get a little peace.


Alex was ready to go home, he had one more appointment today and that would be his longest client he's ever had, Levi Brown.

Veronica popped her head into the office and told Alex that Levi was here.

"Come in!" Alex said as a knock sounded at his door.

"There's the man of the hour." Alex smiled as Levi walked into the room and sat down.

"Hey, Alex." Levi takes a sip of water with a bottle he brought.

"So, tell me things." Alex crosses his legs waiting for Levi to start at his pace.

"Well, a couple of days ago Bucky came into the ER with a hand full of glass. I got assigned which wasn't an issue until I got home and got really upset." Levi twiddles his thumbs which Alex knows he does when he's nervous.

"Why did you get upset?" Alex tries to not make his tone sound accusing.

"I don't know, I just started thinking, he's a fugitive why is he allowed in the hospital," Levi looks down biting his lip.

"Hospitals are supposed to take care of everyone right?" Alex writes some notes in his notebook dedicated to Levi.

"Yes, but not someone who has killed thousands of people." Alex can tell Levi is starting to get agitated.

"James wasn't in the battle of New York, the Avengers were." Now Alex doesn't believe the Avengers are at fault but he knows that Levi won't back down on his opinion.

"He still killed people." Luckily Alex noticed it was time, which was good because the appointment was going nowhere.

"Okay, I'm going to ask your GP to fill this prescription, you need to let me know if you start filling odd again, so we can fix it okay." Alex gives up and hands Levi a piece of paper with the medicine name on it to help.

"Thanks," Levi mumbles and walks out of the room.

Alex praises that he is finally off, he can go home and relax with Stephen like he's been wanting to do the whole day.  


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