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It was a rare day, they didn't get to spend time together often because they both had demanding jobs but both Stephen and Alex are both off today

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It was a rare day, they didn't get to spend time together often because they both had demanding jobs but both Stephen and Alex are both off today. besides rare mornings and most of the time a late dinner, these days were the only time Stephen and Alex spent quality time with each other.

Alex definitely wants to spend the rest of his life with Stephen, Alex woke up first which isn't unusual when Stephen is off, at first Alex didn't like to stare at Stephen while he was sleeping but now he does. Alex likes looking at a sleeping Stephen, this Stephen has no worry lines, he wasn't thinking about anything, he just looked peaceful.

"Whatcha staring at?" Stephen croaks surprising Alex who was about to run his fingers through Stephen's hair.

"You, you looked cozy." Alex starts rubbing the side of Stephen's face who closes his eyes.

"Of course I'm cozy, I got the best boyfriend." Stephen rolls on top of Alex putting his head on Alex's shoulder making Alex wrap his around Stephen.

Alex resists the urge to propose right now, but he has to wait, he has it all planned out, he has a restaurant set for the date and he already cleared it with Christine to make sure Stephen was off in time and according to Christine, he was going to be.

"Don't kiss me, you got morning breath," Alex says playfully pushing Stephen's head away when he tries to kiss him.

"No, I want my kiss," Stephen whines when a smirk comes across his face.

Alex knows exactly what's going on in Stephen's mind right now.

"No no, don't you do it, Stephen!" Alex rolls Stephen off him and jumps out of bed.

"You better run." Stephen chuckles when Alex runs trying to get away from Alex.

Alex runs into the kitchen and accidentally gets trapped.

"Nowhere to run now." Stephen laughs catching Alex kissing him on the head.

"You need to brush your teeth," Alex mumbles hugging Stephen.

"I want a kiss first." Stephen makes squeal when he picks Alex up and sits him on top of the counter.

Stephen steps in between Alex's legs and gently tilts his head down.

"I love you." Stephen smiles leaning towards Alex.

"I love you too, " Alex mumbles against Stephen's lips, morning breath was the last thing Alex was thinking of right now as he leaned in and kissed Stephen on the lips.

This was why Alex loved the days off, and no one had to rush to stop kissing because they had to go to work, they knew no one at work would need them unless it was an emergency.

They grounded each other before Stephen met Alex six years ago, he was an egotistic surgeon who only cared about money but when he saw Alex walk into the hospital so he can give a psych eval to a patient that Stephen was going to operate on, Stephen fell in love, it took a while, but on February 2nd Alex agreed to give it a chance, ever since then they've been smitten with each other.

"Enough making out, go brush your teeth." Alex lightly pushes Stephen away half-heartedly.

"You gotta brush your teeth too, why don't we do it together," Stephen smirks pulling Alex along to the bathroom.

After a lot of pushing away, they finally brush their teeth, for once they slept in after 9 so they decided to go ahead and make lunch.

"What are we making for lunch?" Stephen asks using his socked feet to slide in the kitchen making Alex laugh.

"We're making gnocchi!" Alex grabs the potatoes while Stephen fills a pot with water. 

"I love making gnocchi with you." Stephen wraps his arms around Alex's back watching him peel the potatoes over he cleaned them.

"Correction, you love distracting me while I make the gnocchi." Alex shrugs Stephen away to start boiling the potatoes.

"You know me so well," Stephen smirks grabbing the potato masher so Alex can smash the potatoes when they're soft enough.

"What sauce do you want?" Alex asks Stephen who was in the living room looking for something to watch.

"Barilla." Stephen finally picks something to watch.

"Lost, seriously Stephen." Alex shakes his head as he mashes potatoes.

"I like this show." Stephen defends walking into the kitchen.

"How's the cooking going housewife?" Stephen liked to joke that Alex was the housewife in the relationship because Stephen hated cooking.

"Call me that again and you get no sex until Valentine's day and you sleep in the guest room for a week." Alex points the knife towards Stephen before resuming cutting, they both knew it was an empty threat, especially the sex part, but it was all in good fun and who knows, maybe Alex will actually do the threat.

"Sorry, jeez." Stephen walks over to the boiling pot and starts putting the formed gnocchi into watching as the gnocchi float to the top.

"Don't forget to wait-" Alex gets cut off by an exasperated Stephen.

"30 seconds I know." Stephen huffs putting the gnocchi into the bowls before putting the sauce on top.

"Smartypants, you think your so smart because you have a Ph.D. and an M.D." Alex smacks Stephen's butt grabbing his bowl from Stephen before walking towards the couch.

"What are you talking about, you have a Ph.D. too." Stephen sits on the couch next to Alex.

"I don't have an M.D though," Alex mumbles through a mouthful of food.

"Don't talk with your mouthful, I don't want to have to do the Heimlich today." Stephen jokes laughing when Alex hits him lightly.

"You're lucky your cute," Alex mumbles and goes back to eating his food.

A few times Alex tries to sneakily change the channel but Stephen catches him and moves the remote out of his reach.

After they finished lunch Alex laid down in between Stephen's outstretched legs.

"I love you," Alex mumbles from his spot laying on Stephen's chest, ear right over his heart.

"I love you too Babe."


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