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Alex was excited, tomorrow was the day he was going to ask Stephen to marry him, he hardly paid attention to his patient, he was just so excited, Veronica noticed of course but she just looked at Alex with a smile all-knowing why Alex was excited,...

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Alex was excited, tomorrow was the day he was going to ask Stephen to marry him, he hardly paid attention to his patient, he was just so excited, Veronica noticed of course but she just looked at Alex with a smile all-knowing why Alex was excited, she was excited too, she told Alex she was going to wait by her phone all night for some news.

Now Alex was home, he called Press Lounge Restaurant to make sure his reservation was still intact which it was, now Alex is pacing around the house with nerves.

"Calm down, deep breath," Alex mutters to himself, closing his eyes breathing deep, remembering what he tells his patients and copies what he tells them.

Finally feeling like he isn't going to pass out he decides to relax he was going to take a nap, knowing that Stephen wasn't going home for a while he didn't have to make dinner.

Alex slipped off his shoes and grabbed his comfy clothes, deciding to slip on the college sweatshirt that Stephen gave him, Alex slipped it over his head, sighing in relief he put some sweatpants on and got under the covers.

Phone on the table, sound on. Alex slipped into the warm covers and into dreamland.

Alex was excited, excited shouldn't be the right word but he was, this was the first case that Alex was called in to do at a hospital, the doctor Dr. Stephen Strange, which Alex thinks is a weird name but he isn't going to tell someone that, Dr. Strange told the hospital to get someone in so they can do a psych eval, apparently the circumstances surrounding the operation is a little off so they called Alex to check on her.

"Dr. Green, I take it?" A man in scrubs asks Alex.

"Yes, the surgeon Dr. Strange?" Alex smiles and holds out his hand, and Stephen shakes it.

"Thank you for coming, the circumstances surrounding her injure was off, she said she fell but my partner noticed some marks so I thought I would get an eval done." Stephen leads Alex to the room.

"You did the right thing, I'll talk to her and let you know."  Alex smiles and nods at Stephen and Alex opens the door.


After their first meeting, they began to meet often and became quite good friends.

Tonight, they had to not know each other, they were both asked to speak at a conference and accepted knowing that getting to see each other again would be nice.

"Thank you for speaking today, Dr. Green." The person who set this all up shakes Alex's hand, one thing Alex didn't like was that no one called them by their first name, only Dr. Alex still hasn't seen Stephen yet, he knew that Stephen bail, Alex just wants to talk to someone he already knows.

"Can I steal Dr. Green for a moment? I have someone I would him to meet." Someone steals Alex from the organizer and begins walking, Alex sees him before he was introduced, Alex smiled.

"Dr. Green, this is Dr. Strange." The person who stole Alex says pointing to each of them.

"Why Hello Dr. Green, nice meeting you."  Stephen has a teasing look in his eyes that makes Alex smile.

Alex tosses and his dream shifts to their first date.

"Thanks for taking me on a date." Alex has a teasing smile on his face as he clinks glasses with Stephen.

"Thanks for finally accepting my offer." Stephen teases right back sipping back some wine.

"Does Christine know where you are?" Alex cuts a piece of steak that Stephen ordered for him.

"She does, does Veronica know where you are?" Alex bursts out laughing making Stephen laugh with him, everyone around them looks at them weirdly because it's a fancy restaurant.

"Seriously though, thank you for inviting me out." Alex's comment makes Stephen which wasn't his intention but it makes everything better.

"I like you a lot so thank you for accepting." Stephen returns the favor of making him blush because Alex blushes.

"You're really cute when you blush," Stephen tells Alex making him blush more, he's saved when the check comes.

"Let me pay." Alex pouts when Stephen hands his card back to the waiter who just smiles at the two and goes to pay it.

They walked outside and smile, it was snowing which wasn't unusual for New York in February, it made this moment special.

"Can I kiss you?" Stephen asks, nodding Alex goes closer to Stephen, feeling Stephen's breath on his face he leans in and kisses Stephen.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Alex asks breathlessly once they step back from kissing. 

"I would like that."


"Wake up sweetheart." Alex hears, he rubs the sleep out his eyes and opens them, Stephen was standing near him out of his scrubs. 

"How long have you been at home?' Alex croaks voice full of sleep.

"Not long, showered and changed into pajamas, happy anniversary baby." Stephen kisses Alex on the nose, furrowing his brows Alex looks over to the clock that said midnight, smiling he gives Stephen a quick kiss back.

"I love you, I love you now the same as I did 6 years ago." Alex sits up a little bit and allows Stephen to lay beside him.

"I knew I loved you when you first walked into the hospital." Alex laughed at Stephen's statement which made him look at him offensively.

"Excuse me why did you laugh?" Stephen pouts a little which Alex leans up and kisses.

"I love you, but you did not like me at first, but I'm okay with that because here we are now," Alex mutters six years later on to Stephen's lips.

"Okay fine, but we did it, you're my half." Stephen kisses Alex again before sighing and laying down letting Alex lay on top of him.

"Good night Alex," Stephen mutters laying his on top of Alex's head.

"Love you, Stephen." Alex smiles thinking about his plans for the day.

Everything was set in stone.

Everything was set in stone

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