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Alex was filled with all kinds of anxiety driving home but he knew that Stephen was there because when he glanced at his phone at a stoplight and saw he got a text saying he was there

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Alex was filled with all kinds of anxiety driving home but he knew that Stephen was there because when he glanced at his phone at a stoplight and saw he got a text saying he was there. Alex pulled into their building's parking garage and parked in his spot.

He grabbed his keys and went towards the elevator to get to the penthouse. When the doors opened he was surprised to see that Stephen had straightened up a little bit, the penthouse was no longer littered with glass.

Stephen looked up when Alex walked in, Stephen's eyes softened. "You forgot to put away the first aid kit so I know you got hurt because of me." Alex made a sad noise and walked towards Stephen who understood what he was doing and met Alex halfway.

"It's okay, I'm glad your safe."

Stephen grabbed Alex's hands shakingly and squeezed as tight as he can. "I'm sorry I upset you, I was just hurt and upset but that's no reason to treat you the way I did. It's not fair to you, you deserve more than my broken self." Alex sighed and lead Stephen over to the couch to sit down.

"You aren't broken, I want you to promise me something though."

Stephen hummed. "I want you to promise to never do another hand surgery again, It's killing you, Stephen." Alex knew this was a big ask, but he had to make Stephen promise.

It took Stephen a few minutes to answer the longer it took him Alex got worried and he was ready to take it back and apologize. "I won't be doing anymore, I promise. I understand where you're coming from and that you're scared. I'm sorry that I pushed it too far, you're right Alex." Stephen leaned in and kissed Alex deeply.

When Stephen pulled back his eyebrows were raised. "Why did I taste smoke?" Alex's heart sunk, Alex groaned and put his head on the couch there wasn't a way to lie out of this one. "I was furious and hurt this morning so I went to Starbucks and got myself a coffee. Across from Starbucks, I saw a store and I went into it."

Alex rubbed his hands on his pants to get the sweat off as he was getting nervous. "I wasn't going in there to buy it but I saw it and I got one pack." Stephen's face got a mix of angry and upset. "You promised Alex!"

"I only had one! Not even a whole one, I took one puff and it tasted gross to me so I stomped it out and threw the whole pack away." 

Stephen huffed and rolled his eyes. "How am I supposed to believe you? Your breath smells like smoke, how am I to know that you didn't smoke the whole pack and is lying to me right now?" Alex gasped from hurt. "Stephen! I wouldn't do that, I didn't want to throw it away for one cigarette so I tried to mask the smell with coffee."

Stephen looked at Alex scoffing. "Not only are you lying but you were going to cover it up as well. Wow, Alex, I can't believe you." Stephen shakes his head looking away. "I'm not lying, Stephen! I wouldn't lie about this. I promised you years ago that I would quit smoking, I didn't even have half of a cigarette. I threw it away just like I said, Stephen!" Alex stood up and started pacing around the room.

"I don't believe you!"

Alex sniffed as tears flowed down his face. "I don't know what I can do to make you believe me?" Stephen shook his head and stood up putting his hands in his pockets.

Stephen walked over to the kitchen and leaned against the counters. "You can't Alex, I can't believe you just not yet." Stephen walked away and went to his office closing the door behind him.

Now it was Alex's turn to rip Stephen's heart out, he broke his trust and he isn't sure if he'll ever get it back. Alex looks around the room lost, he runs his hand through his hair and walks to the bedroom. Looking at the photos of Stephen and Alex's relationship all over the room he sniffed as he grabbed a bag from the closet sniffed as grabbed clothes to stuff into the bag.

It's clear that Alex couldn't be here right now, they just needed time because staying in the same room isn't working for Alex and Stephen. Alex needed to stay somewhere else and he knew just the person to ask.

Alex moved his bag aside and grabbed his phone, he dialed a number and waited for it to ring. "Hi." Alex nodded. "I need a favor."

"Can I stay at your place?"

"If it's too much trouble I won't, I don't want to take your time away from Misty."

Alex smiled slightly when he heard the response. "Thank you, Roni."

He pocketed his phone and double-checked that he has everything, satisfied he zipped his bag up and placed it on his shoulder. He walked out of the room and looked behind towards the closed door of Stephen's office, he felt sad.

Alex pushed down the thoughts of sadness and walked towards the front down, he almost wanted Stephen to come out of his office and stop him but he knew that Stephen wouldn't do that, it was too much to ask for.

Alex sighed as he turned the knob and got on the elevator, he leaned against the wall and closed his eyes as he thought about the day and let the elevator take him down.

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