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Alex leaned back in his office chair, Alex would get a few minutes of peace before the Lewis Brothers came storming into his office, the Lewis Brothers were difficult for Alex, they both have become good friends of Alex having seen Alex for a long...

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Alex leaned back in his office chair, Alex would get a few minutes of peace before the Lewis Brothers came storming into his office, the Lewis Brothers were difficult for Alex, they both have become good friends of Alex having seen Alex for a long time but that could also be a bad thing.

The brothers started going to Alex a few years ago when the oldest brother Travis Lewis got into a car accident and since they didn't have any relatives Tanner the youngest had to take care of Travis as much as Alex wants to tell Tanner to hire some help but he knew that Tanner and Travis wouldn't go for that.

Alex heard the alarms of Travis's wheelchair getting into the building, Alex huffed opening his file folder and grabbing the Brother's file, since they shared a session he put the files together instead of separate.

Veronica knocked on the door and Alex yelled to come in.

"The brothers are here." Veronica opened the door and stepped inside so the Lewis brothers can get in.

"Thanks." Alex stood up and pulled one of the chairs away so Travis can park his wheelchair there.

Veronica winked behind the brothers back in a sign of wishing Alex good luck.

"So I know Tanner made this session, so what's going on boys?" Alex leaned back into the chair that was facing the boys.

"We had a huge argument the other day." Tanner picked at the rubber band on his wrist that Tanner put on himself a while ago to help with stress.

"It wasn't an argument." Travis groans from his chair.

"Yes, it was Travis!" Alex can see that Tanner is starting to get upset.

"Okay okay, boys just tell me what happened." Alex gently says putting his hand on Travis's leg to calm him down.

"Travis wouldn't take his meds, and then he threw them at me." Alex was shocked at what Tanner admitted, Travis has anger issues sure but he's never put Tanner in harm's way before.

"Travis, why would you get mad at Tanner??" Alex was concerned.

"He keeps treating me like I'm helpless but I'm not." Travis huffed not meeting Alex or Tanner's eyes.

"You think he's treating you like you're that little brother correct?" Alex is pretty sure he got to the problem and gets conformation when Travis nods a little bit.

"That's not true at all Trav! You may be in this wheelchair but you will always be my big brother." Tanner stresses to Travis looking into his eyes.

"Have you been writing in the journals I gave you two?" Alex asks grabbing his book and writing in it.

"I have but I know Travis hasn't." Tanner looks at Travis with a pointed look.

"I'm sorry, but I keep forgetting." Travis looks scolded.

"I don't want you to forget anymore Travis, it's gonna help you. I promise." Alex looks at the clock and sees that it's the end of the session.

"I'll try not to forget, thank you for seeing us." Travis turns on his wheelchair and goes out of the door that Alex opens.

"Hey, don't treat him like he can't do anything okay Tanner?" Alex grabs Tanner's arm before he walks okay that door.

"I'll try, gonna be hard." Tanner gives Alex a tiny smile before stopping at Veronica making another appointment.

Alex gives Veronica a smile before walking back into his office, putting the file away.

He leans back into his office and watches the clock, only 6 more hours left.


Alex walks into the penthouse huffing, he took off his jacket and threw it in the direction of the bedroom, he would make Stephen iron it later, he couldn't be bothered to do that right now.

He moved towards the kitchen sluggishly, opening the fridge with a sigh he takes out some leftover pasta.

Alex pops the pasta into the microwave and brings his bag to the kitchen table, he takes out the files he brought home with him and lays them out. Deciding that Alex didn't want Stephen mad at him for leaving the jacket on the ground he groans and picks it up, deciding to change his clothes while he's in here into something comfy.

"Hello?" Alex hears Stephen call from the doorway.

"In the bedroom!" Alex yells back.

Alex hears Stephen's footsteps coming towards the bedroom.

"How was your day?" Stephen asks grabbing his clothes before he goes to take a shower.

"Long." Alex leans up and kisses Stephen on the lips smacking his butt as he walks towards the shower.

"I LOVE YOU TOO!" Stephen yells from the bathroom making Alex laugh.

Alex shakes his head and goes to get his food from the microwave.

He takes his food to the table and pushes the papers away slightly.

Alex feels arms wrap around him and he feels Stephen put his chin on top of Alex's head.

"Long day?" Alex asks looking at the paperwork.

"Yea, Nicodemus West was being an ass as usual." Stephen huffs sitting beside Alex.

"He's only doing his job, just like you. I bet you were being an ass right back though weren't you." Alex teases Stephen who huffs in response.

"You're supposed to be on my side," Stephen whines getting up to make himself some food.

"You'll be fine." Alex deadpans looking at his paper.

"Did you see the brothers today?" Stephen asks they don't usually talk about patients using names but Alex thought it was okay seeing as Stephen is the one who saved Travis's life.

"I did, Tanner called in a session which hasn't happened in a while." Alex writes something done on the page.

"Everything alright?" Stephen asks sitting down in the spot he was sitting before.

"They will be, I hope." Alex straightens up the paperwork and moves it off to the side so he can put it back into his bag later.

"Our anniversary is coming up." Stephen suddenly says with a smile on his face.

"Sure is." Alex smiles thinking about the ring box in the back of his underwear drawer.

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