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Alex was nervous, how can he not be

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Alex was nervous, how can he not be. He's marrying his best friend today, he feels he should be happy and he is but his nerves are taking over and his hands can't stop shaking. Alex looks up when he here's a knock at his door, he stops impulsively smoothing down his tie for the hundredth time to look up, he can't help the smile on his face when he sees Veronica in her dress that she insisted she wore. "You look gorgeous." Veronica blushes and tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"How do you feel?" Veronica asks Alex as she walks into the room towards the man who was staring at himself in the mirror again. "I'm okay." Alex lies, Veronica gives him a look and his shoulders drop in defeat. "Nervous."

"I'm so freaking nervous, I shouldn't be because we've been together for 7 years but this is all I've ever wanted." Alex huffs as he plops down on the bed making his suit rumpled, he frowns but scrubs his hand over his face. "It's okay to be nervous." Veronica sighs and drops down so she's squatting in front of Alex. "I bet you that Stephen is just as nervous as you, it's going to work out Alex." Veronica pats Alex on the knee before standing up again. "Now, get up we have to go so you aren't late." Alex nods and stands up.

He walks towards the mirror and smoothes down his rumpled suit jacket before walking out of his room. "You look nice," Alex said to Misty who was wearing a nice black pantsuit that had a pop of color on it to match Veronica's dress. "Thank you, are we going to get a cab, or is someone driving there?" Misty asked looking at both Veronica and Alex.

Before anyone of them could answer her a portal started forming, with a smiling Wong on the other side of that. Alex smiled, he heard Veronica huff from behind him and he heard her mutter something that sounded a lot like I will never get used to that but Alex wasn't focused on what was going on behind him. Instead, he was focused on the fact that it was time, Wong was kind enough to perform the ceremony which shockingly was entirely legal.

It was going to be a small affair, with only Veronica and Misty as both guests and witnesses but that was it. The two of them knew that Christine was going to give them both hell for not inviting her and Rumer but they could handle that because today was about them. "Are you ready?" Wong asks after they all step through the portal.

"Yes, nervous but ready." Alex smiles softly watching as with a wave of his hand Wong makes the portal disappeared. "If it makes you feel better, Stephen is nervous too." Wong winks before taking his place at the front of the stairs which they had set up for the wedding. "See, told you." Veronica nudges him before going to take her seat.

Alex laughs softly shaking his head, he can feel a presence behind him. He doesn't flinch when he feels a hand on his lower back, he turns around to see Stephen. "Oh, you look, nice babe," Alex says as he looks at Stephen's clothes, he wasn't wearing anything different but he looked cleaner and more relaxed than he was when Stephen asked him to have the wedding.

"Let's go get married." Stephen holds his hand out for Alex to take, Alex, lets his hand rest comfortably in Stephen's hand as they walk towards where Wong was standing. "You two ready?" Wong asks putting his hands together. The two of them glance at each other before nodding. "We are gathered here today to join Dr. Stephen Strange and Dr. Alex Green in marriage, this isn't going to be a traditional ceremony as we all know."


Alex glances over his shoulder at Stephen who was staring in the mirror poking at a few of his scars that Wong couldn't fully make disappear. "Don't worry, I still think you're hot." Alex jokes likely beckoning for Stephen to join him in bed next to him. "I sure hope so, I didn't ask you to become Alex Strange for no reason," Stephen grumbles but moves the comforter aside so he can lay down. "Hey, if you're gonna say my name do it right." Alex leans over and makes his lips hovering close to Stephen's. "It's Alex Green-Strange," Alex says before kissing Stephen on the lips. "I love you so much," Stephen says joining their hands together under the comforter.

"I love you too, husband." Alex giggles as he says the title, he never thought they would have this. "Is it everything you hoped for?" Stephen asks quietly staring at the ceiling of their bedroom that was in a different part of the Sanctum. "It wasn't what I thought it would be, I'll be honest but it was everything I hoped for. It was perfect, for us." Stephen opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by Alex's phone ringing.

Alex groans as he reaches towards the bedside table to grab his phone. "It's Tony." Alex's brows furrow as he sits up and answers the phone bringing it up to his ear. "Hello, Tony. Is everything okay? It's really late." Alex chews on his lip slightly.

Alex's eyes go wide as he listens to Tony over the phone. "Are you sure?" Alex nods. "Yes, it would be my pleasure, but I won't be moving to the compound. I have my own space now." Alex glances at Stephen behind him and smiles slightly. "Yes, send me the schedule and I'll start whenever." Alex bids his goodbyes before hanging up the phone and placing it back on the nightstand. "What did the billionaire want?" Stephen says mouth turning up when he mentions Tony. "He offered me a job," Alex says smiling wide.

"What?" Stephen looks at Alex confused sitting up next to Alex. "Tony said that they need a therapist at the Avengers Compound. He offered it to me."


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Ahhh! I can't believe that As They Were is officially over, but don't fear you will definitely see Alex Green-Strange ;) Again.
Now that Tony offered him a job Alex will be working with him in an official capacity.
I hope you guys enjoyed this story, this is definitely not goodbye to Alex and Stephen.

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