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Alex sighed as he locked his office door once Veronica walked outside, it was a long and hard day but when is it not a hard day

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Alex sighed as he locked his office door once Veronica walked outside, it was a long and hard day but when is it not a hard day.

"You okay?" Veronica asks unlocking her car putting her bag into the back seat before leaning on the car looking at Alex.

"Yea, just a long day, I know it's usually a long day but this one was just hard. A lot of new patients with a lot of hard stories to hear." Alex leans against his car looking at his watch.

"I know, but it will get better, at least I hope. You need to ask people for help sometimes Alex." Alex knew Veronica meant well, but it was just hard because she didn't understand the full extent of what he hears.

"A psychologist going to a psychologist? Yeah right." Alex scoffed and leaned up against his ranger rover clicking the key to start it.

"I'm not talking about just a psychologist, just anyone in general, even you can talk to Stephen." Of course, Veronica knew about Stephen, Alex didn't have many friends but he told Veronica because she deserved to know and Stephen told Christine Palmer which makes sense on the off chance anything bad would happen.

"I can't put that all on Stephen, he has his shit to deal with." Alex looks at his phone which dinged but he locks it again and puts his full attention on Veronica.

"You should try to write in a journal, that would help." Veronica kisses Alex on the cheek lightly and gets into her car to drive away.

Before Alex has a chance to buckle his seat buckle his phone is ringing with a call from Tony Stark, Alex huffed but answered, he knew if he didn't answer Tony would be paying him a visit to his office unannounced.

"Hello." Alex huffed as he clicked the speaker so the phone call can go through his car.

"About time you answered, I called you like 30 times." Tony Stark's voice came through the speakers of his car.

"Mr. Stark, you called me 3 times, not 30." Alex sounded exasperated already, he knew if he called Tony, Mr. Stark it would annoy him, which is why Alex did it, Alex and Tony become fast friends even though Alex is Tony's doctor it didn't matter.

"Dr. Green, it's Tony. I want you to come to the Stark Tower." Tony sounded smug over the phone which annoyed Alex a little bit.

"Why?" Luckily Alex hasn't left his work parking lot yet so he doesn't have that far to travel.

"I need to talk to you," Tony whined.

Alex exhales loudly and counts to 5.

"Sure, I'll be there soon." Alex ends the call and lightly bangs his head on his steering wheel, huffing he backs out of the parking lot and pulls onto the road that takes him to the Stark Tower, his brain goes over what he thinks Tony wants to talk to him about, surely he wouldn't ask personal information about Peter right?

Alex parks and makes sure he has his keycard since Alex used to come here so often after a month of seeing Alex, Tony made him his own card, he walks through the metal detectors and swipes his card, like always he's directed to the right elevator to go through, he swipes his card and clicks Tony's penthouse.

"Finally Alex! I've been waiting forever." Tony walks out from the kitchen smelling like grease, a normal smell for Tony if he's being honest.

"Not meaning to be rude but why am I here?" Alex takes a seat at the bar while Tony is tinkering in the kitchen.

"What? I can't call you to come over so you can see your favorite patient? I'm wounded." Tony puts his hand on his chest and puts a fake hurt look on his face.

Alex gives him his best bitch face.

"Fine, I need to ask you what Peter Parker has been telling you in you guys session together." Tony relents.

"Ne feidir liom leat." Alex shakes his head in dismay.

"What the hell does that mean?" Tony looks at Alex like he has two heads.

"It means I can't with you." Alex shakes his head and facepalms.

"Come on Alex, tell me," Tony begs.

"No, I can't you gobshite." Alex stands up and walks to the fridge to get him some water to calm down.

"Why not Alex? I'm the one who referred him to you." Tony starts pacing around in the kitchen waving his arms about.

"Look Tones, One, he's a minor, Two, you're not his parental guardian, Three, even if you were his parental guardian I can't tell you anyway because of patient consent." Alex grabs his bag because he's done with this.

"Fine! It was worth a try, at least tell me, is he doing okay?" Alex can tell Tony cares for the kid so he takes pity on him and nods.

"I gotta go but thanks for semi understanding." Alex bids his goodbye and rides the elevator down. He would say he is shocked that Tony tried to get information out of him about Peter but he's also not surprised at all because it's Tony, Tony means well and he's a good friend but he's just a lot at sometimes which is a main reason that Alex hasn't told him about Stephen, granted Tony is his patient so it's not any of his business but Levi Chaudhari knows about a boyfriend, not by name but that's more then Tony knows.

Alex got to his car and got in, he knew that Stephen isn't home yet so he started to drive home, he pulled into the penthouse and parked his car in his parking spot, he leaned against the elevator as he was riding it.

He had a stressful day and he was ready to relax with Stephen, soon he would be able too, and he can't wait.

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