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It was barely 24 hours before Alex got called to the hospital again, but not really for Stephen this time

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It was barely 24 hours before Alex got called to the hospital again, but not really for Stephen this time. He wasn't the one hurt at least, but he did need his fiance. Christine had called Alex saying that someone Stephen knows is hurt, and it doesn't look good. Alex sighed as he stuffed some clothes into a duffle bag, he doesn't know if Stephen will need them but better safe than sorry. "Where are you going now?" Veronica asks from where she's standing by the door, when Alex came back to their place from Stephen's near-death he couldn't offer up any explanation for Veronica, so she was in the dark. "Stephen needs me, when I get back I'll get rid of my stuff okay?"

"Just be safe, please." Alex could tell that Veronica wanted to say other things but Alex was grateful that she didn't. "I will." Alex stepped towards Veronica and hugged her tightly before letting go, he nodded towards Misty who was standing by the bar.

Alex's heart was pounding as he walked towards the elevator, he doesn't know which one Christine is talking about but the way she was talking. It wasn't good.


Alex walked through the hospital doors quickly, he was making his way towards the receptionist when someone called his name. "Alex!" Alex turned to see Christine motioning for Alex to follow her, he sped up to get to her quicker. "It's his master, The Ancient one. He doesn't know you are here but he'll need you. Let me lead you into the operating theater so you can watch."

Alex's brows furrowed as he took in what Christine said. "He's operating?" Christine didn't get a chance to respond because she led him to the area where he can watch it. "When he's done I'll lead you guys to a private break room, so you can talk." Christine smiles softly before gently closing the door behind her as she walks out.

"Oh my god," Alex says out loud sitting down in a chair, he lets the bag fall to the floor. He would be worried about germs any other time, but he couldn't break his eyes away from what was happening in front of him in the operating theater. Stephen had decided to not do the operation because of his hands but he is telling Nicodemus what to do. "He's still dropping." Alex gasped as the person who was watching the monitors said, Alex put his hand over his mouth closing his eyes tightly.

He didn't believe in a higher power, but his Father was religious so Alex sent a silent small prayer that the Ancient One will live, he doesn't know if it will do anything but Alex feels hopeless. "We need to increase his oxygen!" If it wasn't for Stephen's hair change you wouldn't know that anything has changed.

He's falling right back into his role as a surgeon, Alex closes his eyes and lays his head on the cold rail that was lining the glass windows. Alex watches as the monitor flickers before flatlining, he watches as Stephen looks down sadly before walking out of the operating room.

Alex stands up quickly before grabbing the duffle bag and shoving the door open, Christine had to step so she wouldn't get hit. "Sorry, where is he?" Alex asks walking out of the room, letting Christine shut the door behind him. "He just finished washing his hands, I told him to wait in an empty exam room. You better hurry, he was complaining about needing to go." Christine pats him on the back before opening the door to the exam room.

"Christine, I have things to do. Can I-" Stephen cut himself off when he looked up and saw it wasn't Christine, but Alex. "Hi." Alex gulps and drops the duffle bag, Stephen's mask slowly fades away before his eyes well up with tears.

"Oh, honey." Alex walked towards Stephen and let the man bury his head into Alex's stomach, he huffed out a little laugh when he saw the cape floating towards them and almost giving Stephen a little pat on the back before going back and continued to float in the spot he was previously. "Are you okay?" Alex asks softly regretfully letting go of Stephen and sitting beside him. "I have to go away now," Stephen said quietly completely ignoring the question.

Alex nods slowly, he brings his hand up and brushes some of Stephen's hair behind his ear but instead of bringing his hand down he lets it lingers, smoothing down his hair gently. "I don't want you to go but I know you have to, whatever you have to do. I know is temporary because once you're finished we're gonna move in together, into the New York Sanctum." Stephen looked at Alex confused when he said where they would be moving to.

"You want to move there? I thought you would want to go back to the penthouse?" Alex shakes his head slowly. "If you thought I was living you, you are sorely mistaken. I'm not leaving you and I know with The Ancient One dead you aren't going to leave the Sanctum. You are the keeper now, you have to protect it." Alex moves his hand from Stephen's hair and twiddles the necklace that is still hanging around Stephen's neck.

"I love you so much, do you know that?" Stephen says scooting closer to Alex and brings their lips together. "I do, but you can say it again A stór." Alex rarely spoke Gaelic but whenever he pulled it out, it always made Stephen swoon.

Stephen sighed as he pulled away, he kissed Alex on the hand before standing up. "I'll come to Veronica's house when I'm finished." Alex nodded and kissed Stephen on the cheek. "Be safe."

Stephen smiled at Alex before he waved the cape over, he turned to look at Alex. "Would you like me to get you home?" Alex shook his head, he bent down and grabbed the duffle bag.

"I got it, just focus on staying safe. I'll see you soon."


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