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When Alex stepped into Stephen's hospital room after he came back from his first day back today he had an eerie feeling wash over him when he walked into the room

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When Alex stepped into Stephen's hospital room after he came back from his first day back today he had an eerie feeling wash over him when he walked into the room.

Alex saw Stephen sitting in his bed he seemed to be typing on his tablet which Alex has no idea how he has that, knowing Stephen he probably bribed a nurse for it.

"What did you do?" Alex asked Stephen who jumped a little because he didn't hear Alex walk in, which Stephen voiced.

"Jeez, you scared me, Alex." Stephen sighed but didn't put his tablet down meaning he was trying to deflect from the question.

"Stephen Vincent, what happened while I was at work?" Alex put his stuff down on the couch and stood at the end of Stephen's bed with his arms crossed.

"Well, I had a meeting with the doctors on my case." At Stephen's confession, he closed his eyes and took a seat in the chair beside Stephen.

"Why?" Alex put his elbows on his knees turning his head towards Stephen.

"Because my hands don't work Alex, I'm useless. If I don't fix them I can never practice again." Stephen raises his hands trying to move them but he hardly can.

"Baby, you aren't useless. I'm not going to lie to you, yes you might not be able to practice again but we don't know that. We will cross the bridge when we get to it." Alex grasped Stephen's shaking hand rubbing it softly trying to help Stephen calm down a little bit.

"But I didn't tell you why I had the meeting. I pitched an idea of surgery to pass a stent down the brachial artery into the radial artery to speed up the healing of the tissues." Stephen let go of Alex's hand to open the X-Rays to show Alex.

"That sounds dangerous and expensive." Alex shakily said, he didn't want his fears to be known yet but as he feared, Stephen already made up his mind.

"It is, it's experimental but like I told the doctor all I need is possible." Stephen's eyes brightened in hope.

"How are we gonna pay for it, what happens if this doesn't work Stephen?" Alex sat up straight instead of bending over.

"We can sell our stuff, you're always telling me how we need to get rid of things." Alex scoffed running his hands through his hair.

"I trust you Stephen, so if you want to do this I will be with you every step of the way." Alex decided to not get into a fight, he didn't want to fight about this he just hoped Stephen was being smart about this.

"I know you are worried that it will get worse but I won't let it get that far because all I need is a few surgeries and physical therapy, that's all." Stephen grabbed Alex's hand and kissed it making Alex shake his head and blush.

"How was work?" Stephen changed the subject, and Alex let him.

"It was good, I had a good first day back. Do you want me to take a few days off to take care of you?"

Stephen shook his head before responding "I'll just let Christine watch me."

Alex rolled his eyes shaking his head. "She is not your babysitter Stephen, she has a girlfriend after all." Alex laughed getting up from the chair that is never comfortable.

Stephen sighed watching as Alex pulled his arms above his head and cracked his back. "I'm sorry the chair hasn't been comfortable, I wish they could be better."

Alex gave Stephen a soft smile. "Don't worry, bad chairs help you get more patients," Alex smirked leaning down to kiss Stephen on the lips.

Stephen looked at Alex with a goofy smile on his face. "We're ready for surgery Stephen." Both of their heads snapped towards the door where Christine was looking at them with her hands in her coat pockets.

Alex slowly turned towards Stephen who winced. "You scheduled already?" Alex's voice wavered from anger.

Stephen opened his mouth to respond but Christine interrupted them. " As interesting it is to watch you guys fight, we really should get going." Christine turned around and nodded then the orderlies walked into the room unlocking Stephen's bed.

Alex didn't say anything he just got everything off Stephen's bed, once he got close to Stephen he grabbed his face forcefully but still with a gentle touch. "You stay alive for me you hear?" Alex's voice cracked letting his mask slip in front of Stephen.

Stephen nodded his eyes beginning to shine with tears. "I love you." Stephen leaned forward and kissed Alex on the lips.

As Alex watched as they rolled Stephen away he had a sinking feeling in his stomach that this would be the last time he ever sees Stephen alive. "He's strong, he's gonna pull through." Christine patted Alex on the back gently.

Alex just smiled sadly at Christine. "I hope so, never got to ask him yet."


Alex watched with a wince as the physical therapist was helping Stephen with his hands. "Isn't it a little early for physical therapy?" Alex asked after Stephen yelped for the hundredth time.

Stephen was careful to catch his breath before responding. "Not really, need to start it as soon as I can. That way I can be ready when they send me home tomorrow."

Alex's eyes looked at Stephen with widen eyes. "They're sending you home tomorrow?" Alex's voice rose in concern.

Stephen waved off the physical therapist once he finished pushing himself. "Finally get to lay in the bed next to you again." Stephen smiled brightly.

Meanwhile, Alex knows he should be happy but he was having an internal battle with himself, he was worried about what would happen when Stephen came home. "Are you ready?" Alex couldn't help but ask.

Stephen nodded happily. "I am, ready to start getting better." A feeling washed over Alex, and he knew it was time.

Alex got up from his chair and walked over to his backpack, he didn't care he was wearing sweatpants. "What are you doing?" Stephen watched as Alex hummed once he found something in his backpack.

Alex walked back over to Stephen and sat down in the chair beside. "This isn't how I wanted to ask you this but I feel this is the perfect moment." Alex took a deep breath and grabbed Stephen's shaky hand.

"Stephen, will you marry me?"

"Stephen, will you marry me?"

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Kinda changed my writing style oops, might see me go back in style on a few chapters because I prewrite a ton lol.

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