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It took him a little bit to find the man he was looking for but Alex was told to come to a basketball court that people told Alex, Jonathan Pangborn frequented

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It took him a little bit to find the man he was looking for but Alex was told to come to a basketball court that people told Alex, Jonathan Pangborn frequented. He told Veronica where he's gonna be just in case anything happened.

His hands began to sweat as he got closer to the fence, he could envision Stephen standing here wanting to talk to Jonathan. As he looked out on the court he saw the one he was looking for.

"Jonathan Pangborn."

Alex jogged towards the entrance of the court as the man's head turned towards Alex. "Yes? Do you need anything?" Alex stuck his hands in his pockets to try not to twiddle his fingers. "Did you meet a man named Stephen Strange?"

Jonathan sighed and looked down. "No, I don't know the man. I'm sorry."

Alex shook his head quickly. "I know you met him, he had your name circled in a file. I saw that file, you did a complete 180 in recovery. I may not know a lot about the human body but I know that you were never supposed to be able to walk again."

He's aware that he might sound like he's pleading but he needs answers. It seems that Alex's pleading actually worked because Jonathan's shoulders dropped in defeat and gestured for Alex to come into the court and take a seat on a bench.

"I've actually met him before, I tried to see him before but Dr. Strange turned me down. I never got past his assistant."

Alex winces in sympathy, he knew just how picky Stephen was with his patients. "Too far you shouldn't have been walking like this, I saw your files." Jonathan put his hand up to stop him. "Don't make excuses for him, I'm walking now, aren't I. No thanks to him." Alex opened his mouth to defend him but clamped his mouth shut, he shouldn't be defending Stephen they were getting off track.

"What did you tell him? Why is my fiance missing?"

Fiance accidentally slipped out of Alex's mouth he was going to take it back but stopped. "Fiance huh? He's a real piece of work, best of luck to you." Alex shook his head. "Tell me, stop avoiding it."

Jonathan slumped down in defeat. "I told him that I'd given up on my body, I told him that I thought my mind was the only thing I had left so I should try to elevate that at least." Alex nodded along holding on to every word that Jonathan said hoping that he had answers.

"I told him that I had sat with gurus and sacred women. I had strangers carry to the mountain tops to see holy men."

When Jonathan paused Alex moved his hand to urge him to continue. "It took me a couple of days but I finally found a teacher and then my mind was elevated, my spirit deepened, and then along the way.." Jonathan trailed off so Alex finished for him. "Your body healed."

Jonathan nodded. "Yes, and there were deeper secrets to learn then. I did not have the strength to receive them. I chose to settle for my miracle and I came back home."

Alex held his breath before he asked the question. "What is the place called?"

"Kamar-Taj, I warned him the cost is high but I fear he didn't take me seriously enough."

Alex shook his head, that was why Stephen sold all of their furniture to pay to go to Kamar-Taj. "I guess that's why he sold all of the furniture." Alex shuffled his feet kicking at the gravel. "I wasn't talking about money." Jonathan got up but before he left out of earshot Alex had a question.

"Where is Kamar-Taj." Alex was shocked at the answer Jonathan gave. "Kathmandu in Nepal."

It looks Alex was going to Nepal but before he does he had some things to take care of.


When Alex stepped into the house he got bombarded with questions from Veronica and Misty, he held up a hand and they stopped talking. "I found him." Alex laughs a little bit sitting down in the living room.

Veronica let out a sigh of relief before sitting down opposite him. "Where is he?

Alex leaned back and clasped his hands behind his head. "He's in Kathmandu Nepal." Alex heard Veronica scoff. "Why is he there?" Alex didn't feel like explaining it all so he just gave Veronica the run down.

"He was that there was someone down there to help him, so he decided to go."

Veronica shook her head in displeasure. "You aren't going to go down there are you?" Alex pulled out his phone and did some tapping before pocketing his phone back into his pocket.

"I just booked my flight."

Alex heard Veronica scoff and follow him into the room he was staying in. "What about your patients? Are you gonna toss them to someone else to find your boyfriend?"

Alex rolled his eyes but his back was turned so Veronica couldn't see him. "If you're worried about your job I'll pay you, but yes my patients are going to be transferred to someone else until I come back." Veronica sighed as she sat on the bed watching Alex pack. "I'm not worried about me or money, I'm worried about you. You can't keep chasing him, he hurt you."

Alex sent her a grateful look. "Yes, he hurt me but that doesn't mean I'm giving up on us." He watched as Veronica shook her head as he put his bag on his back before turning at the door.

"I'm going to Kathmandu Nepal and that's final."


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This means that As They Were is now On Hold and it will be back when I end other story or something else gets put on hold :)
Hope you stick around.

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