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When it was silent Alex tensed, he didn't know what was happening outside of the hiding spot he went into but he didn't want to find out

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When it was silent Alex tensed, he didn't know what was happening outside of the hiding spot he went into but he didn't want to find out. Suddenly the door was ripped open, expecting to see someone out to kill him Alex begins his knee towards his chest and he's ready to kick whoever it is when Stephen's face filled the spot. "Hey, are you alright?" Alex nods shakily, he looked different. The cape that was once floating was around Stephen's neck.

"Are you okay, Stephen?" Alex asks after he stands up, the New York Sanctum was in ruins. Everything was turned over, and at the end of the room the guy that was fighting with trapped, he couldn't move and his mouth was covered. "I'm fine." Alex wasn't sure that Stephen was telling him the whole truth, he stepped away from Stephen, his back hitting the wall. He looked at the man with a finger on his chin.

Alex couldn't see any visible injuries but that doesn't mean that Stephen doesn't have any, who knows what his clothes are hiding underneath. "Who's the guy?" Alex nods at the guy trapped in the corner.

Stephen gestured for Alex to follow him, Alex looks at Stephen carefully but he trusts Stephen. "This is Kaecilius, he's the one who is working for Dormammu." Alex nods, crossing his arms.

"You need to leave," Stephen says surprising Alex. "What?" Alex gulps nervously, he doesn't know what Stephen is thinking. "You need to leave, you can't be here." Alex opens his mouth to respond but closes it when he doesn't know what to say. "It's not safe for you here, at least not right now. It may not ever be but I'm going to send you to Veronicas, you'll be safe with her." Alex shakes his head quickly.

"No, no, no. I'm not leaving you, Stephen. I lost you once, I'm not losing you again." Stephen looks at Alex like he's been slapped. "You aren't losing me, but I need you to be safe. I can't keep the Sanctum safe and you safe at the moment, It's not forever. I promise, as soon as this is over we will officially move into the sanctum if you want." Stephen looks towards Alex and grabs his hands squeezing comfortingly.

"Please be safe?" Alex asks rubbing his fingers over the scarred knuckles. "I'll do my best." Stephen leans in and kisses Alex on the lips softly before brushing a piece of Alex's hair back, late Alex will realize that Stephen was studying his face, in case he never sees Alex again but for now, Alex relishes the attention that Stephen is giving him.

Alex and Stephen reluctantly step away from each other, Stephen waves his hand and a portal appears on the wall. It shows an alley. "Watch yourself with him okay?" Alex nods towards Kaecilius, he has a mischievous look in his eyes it makes Alex nervous.

"I will, don't tell anyone what you saw here. Not yet." Stephen says seriously. "I won't, I promise." Alex closes his eyes and walks through the portal but not before yelling out I love yet. The portal closes just in time for Alex to hear Stephen say it back.

Alex runs his hands through his hair and takes a look around, the building on the right across from Alex is Veronica's building. Perfect Alex thinks, he walks towards the building. His hands shake as he reaches towards the buzzer, he takes a calming breath before pressing it. "Veronica Days, apartment 182A." It takes a few seconds but Alex hears a buzz and he can open the door.

He knows that he's going to be bombarded with questions, but he can handle them, right now he just really needs a hug from someone. He gets into the elevator and presses the button for the correct floor.

He lays his head against the cool elevator walls, the adrenaline is starting to wear off and soon he is going to crash but he can't explain it to Veronica and he knows that she won't take a half-assed excuse. The elevator jolts to a stop, sniffing Alex walks towards the apartment.

He raises his hand to knock when suddenly the door swings open, Alex barely has enough to realize what is happening before Veronica's arms around him, hugging him.

"Come in! Oh gosh, I was so worried." When Veronica is stressed, her British accent becomes stronger, just like Alex does in his own Irish accent. Usually, it would make Alex chuckle but he doesn't have time to care right now. As Alex is guided into the apartment by Veronica he takes the time to look around, it's changed since he'd last been here. Which tells Alex that Misty has officially moved in. "When did Misty move in?"

Veronica looks surprised before she schools her features into a serious look. "Right after you left, where have you been?" Alex sits on the couch with a sigh. "I can't tell you that Roni, just know I'm here to stay." Veronica slowly nods before walking towards the kitchen and makes some tea for the two of them.

"Is Stephen in New York as well?" Veronica asks, Stephen didn't tell Alex anything about keeping the fact he's back in New York a secret, so he tells her. "Yes, and we're officially engaged." Veronica smiles at Alex but it doesn't reach her eyes.

Veronica walks over to Alex handing him a cup of tea. "Are you sure that you want to get married to him? I mean he disappeared and spent all your money. Alex was silent for a few minutes, he was thinking of a good reply.

He sipped the tea humming at the taste. "I'm sure, is this black tea?" Veronica nods, sipping her own tea. "I'll be honest, there is a lot of things that you don't know and that I can't tell you but know this, I love him and he loves me."

It seemed to satisfy Veronica, for now, she grabs the now empty cup of tea out of Alex's hands and places it on the table in front of them. "As long as you are sure, now take a nap. You look like your gonna fall over." Veronica stands up and grabs a blanket off of the end of the couch.

Alex lays down without protest, he didn't plan on falling asleep but he did. It wasn't long because he got woken up by his phone going off, he grabbed it and his face paled as he read the screen.

One missed call from Christine.

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