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Alex was ready for his last patient of the day, and it happened to be Peter, since his talk with Tony a few days ago Alex was nervous, did Tony tell Peter that he asked about him since they don't know each other very well would Alex believe him wh...

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Alex was ready for his last patient of the day, and it happened to be Peter, since his talk with Tony a few days ago Alex was nervous, did Tony tell Peter that he asked about him since they don't know each other very well would Alex believe him when he will say Alex didn't tell Tony anything, but Alex knows he shouldn't worry about it because Peter may not know about it.

"Heads up, the kid is here," Veronica tells Alex while she walked back to her desk from going to the bathroom, Alex gave her the nod of acknowledgment and rolled his chair over to his filing cabinet and grabbed Peter's file, he took a sip of his coffee while he waited for Peter, shortly he heard his door open, Peter walked in.

"Hi, Peter." Alex turned around and he got the shock of his life, Peter had a black eye.

"Hi, Dr. Green," Peter says quietly and sits down, Alex takes his spot across from Peter.

"Can I ask, what happened to your eye?" Alex crosses his legs and grabs the notebook.

"A bully hit me." Peter quickly says, Alex has seen people who have been bullied and hit by them, but Peter didn't react the same way, he reacted like he was trying to hide something.

"I have to ask, do you feel safe in your home?" Alex hated asking this question but he had to make sure, Peter's head whipped up fast.

"You think my aunt hits me?" Peter's voice breaks at the very thought.

"Just, please tell me the truth." Alex has what he hopes is coming across as a kind smile on his face.

"I feel perfectly safe in my home, no one hits me. I promise." Peter sniffs and rubs his nose with his sweatshirt that said Midtown.

"You go to Midtown? Do you like going to school there?" Alex changes the subject easily and Peter allows it.

"I love it, I have great friends, although the person I like who isn't my boyfriend." Peter huffs smiling a little bit.

"Who is this guy?" Alex smirks a little glad he can bring Peter out of the awkward tension.

"His name is Grayson Scott, he's been my best friend for quite a while, along with Miles, Mary Jane, Harry, and Ned, they all go to school with me and we've been best friends for a long time." Peter laughs a little bit decking his head so Alex doesn't see his blush.

"Do you get bruises often?" Alex asks when Peter looks him in the eye again.

"Sometimes, do you keep secrets well?" Peter asks biting his lip.

"Yes I do, I have to, you can tell me anything you want Peter," Alex promises, he's preparing to hear the worst but he hopes that it's not bad.

"I get bruises because I get in fights, but I get into fights because I'm Spider-Man," Peter says closing his eyes.

Alex was silent, he can't tell if what Peter said was meant to be a joke but when Peter doesn't laugh or say anything he knows Peter is telling the truth, Alex closes his eyes and puts his notepad down.

"Are you being truthful Peter?" Alex asks softly.

"Yea, here I can show you." Peter opens his backpack that was at his feet and pulls out the suit and a contraption that he puts on his wrist and flexes it while he points it to the wall, a web shoots out.

"Holy shit," Alex whispers, Spider-Man who Alex was a huge fan of was not only a patient of his but a 14-year-old kid.

"Yea." Peter looked smug.

"You're a kid though." Alex was very concerned.

"Yes, I am. I didn't ask to be bitten by a radioactive spider on my 14th birthday." Peter jokes but Alex knows it's the complete truth.

"Does anyone know about this?" He knows that if Peter was Alex's nephew, Alex wouldn't be too pleased with him playing hero, so he imagines that May Parker has no idea her nephew is a hero.

"Mr. Stark, my friends that I mentioned but Grayson has no idea, and that's all." Peter gives Alex a tiny smile.

"I'm honored that you told me, Now it's no secret that I'm a fan of heroes but I promise, you're just Peter to me." What Alex said made Peter grin wide, as much as Alex wanted to freak out that he was treating Spider-Man, he wasn't treating Spider-Man, he was treating Peter Parker, yes they are the same people but Alex has to treat Peter like any other patient.

"That means a lot Dr. Green, I'll be honest, when Mr. Stark told me that he set an appointment up with you I was nervous, I didn't want to be here and I didn't think I needed it but it's been the best thing for me honestly," Peter speaks truthfully.

"Thank you, Peter, that means a lot, and please call me Alex." Alex looks at his watch when it vibrated which told him the time was up.

"Peter, it's been an hour but thank you for coming, I'll see you next time." Alex walks Peter to the door in which Peter waves bye when he's near the check-in desk.

While Alex is packing his stuff he decides to call Stephen to see what he wants for dinner.

"Hey, babe." Alex puts his phone on the speaker not having to worry about anyone hearing because his office is soundproof.

"Hey, are you off yet?"

"Yea, I'm packing right now, I'm calling to ask what you what for dinner."

"What I want for dinner?"

"No shit sherlock, that's what I just said." Alex rolls his eyes at his dumb but smart boyfriend, hopefully, fiance?

"Just making sure, Are you willing to pick something up?"

"I would prefer that yes." Alex takes the phone off speaker and holds it up to his ear.

"Is pizza okay?"

"Sounds good, I'll pick it up."


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