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Whenever Alex got a call from Christine a pit fell into his stomach, he hated that he felt that way but he can't get over that phone call

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Whenever Alex got a call from Christine a pit fell into his stomach, he hated that he felt that way but he can't get over that phone call. To see he missed a call from Christine made him feel sick, before he could call her back his phone lit up. Christine was calling him. "Hello." Alex's voice shook when spoke into the phone.

Alex breathed deeply before putting his phone on the coffee table in front of him and putting it on speaker. "Are you sitting down?" Christine sounded rushed. "Yes, what happened to my fiance?" Alex scrubbed a hand over his face. "He's been stabbed."

Alex gasped, he closed his eyes shaking his head. "I'm on my way." Alex ended the call before Christine had the chance to say anything else.

"What's going on?" Veronica asks walking towards Alex confused. "Stephen's been stabbed, I'm going to see him. Stay here and open the door for no one but me." Alex wasn't sure if he was paranoid or not but he couldn't let anyone else he loves, get hurt. "Okay, Alex. Is everything okay?" Veronica asks him, putting a hand on his arm.

He shook it off before sliding his coat on. "It will be."


Alex burst through the hospital doors quickly, he ran towards the nearest nurses station. "Where is Doctor Palmer?" Alex asks tapping his foot nervously. "I uh, there." The nurse pointed towards an emergency operating room. "Thank you." The nurse nods and goes back to pick up the fallen stuff.

Christine jumps when Alex bursts through the doors. "Oh god, you scared the shit out of me." Christine sighs and goes back to putting leads on Stephen's chest. "How is he?" Alex ignores what Christine says and walks towards Stephen who is passed out on the operating gurney. "Not great, you might not want to look," Christine warns before bringing a large needle towards the wound before Stephen appears. "Just a little higher," Christine screams and Alex jumps.

"Please careful with the needle," Stephen tells Christine gently. "Hey, Christine. Take a deep breath okay." Alex says calmly walking towards Christine who closes her eyes and nods. "You're explaining this to me later." Christine points to the couple who nods eagerly. "Promise."

"Can I ask what I'm seeing?" Christine says voice still shaking out of fear. "My astral body." Alex's head snaps from Stephen's body towards the one in the astral plane. "Are you dead?" Alex asks but he isn't sure he wants the answer.

He breathes a sigh of relief when Stephen shakes his head. "No, but I am dying." Alex and Stephen both look at Christine who shakes her head and walks towards Stephen again. Stephen puts his hand into the body and makes the area around the spot that Christine needs to stick the needle into, glow. "I've never seen a wound like this one, what were you stabbed with?"

"I don't know."

Christine gently pulls on the needle. "I'm going to have to vanish now." Stephen calmly says to the two of them. "What?" Christine looks up confused. "Keep me alive, will you?" Stephen winks at Alex before vanishing.

Christine looks at Alex worriedly. "Does that, uh happen a lot?" Alex moves his hand in a so-so motion. "Sometimes." Alex chuckles nervously. The bowl that Christine was using to hold her surgical tools jiggled before Christine moved back quickly.

"Oh shit." Alex walked towards Christine before snapping gloves on after a second of thinking. "Look, I may not have medical training but I can help. Okay?" Christine nods before nodding towards the needle. "Put your hands over mine, just in case whatever just happens. Happens again." Alex follows her instructions before Stephen starts to flatline.

"Move," Christine instructs before rolling a shock cart towards them. She charges it to 200 before shocking Stephen. "Stephen! Come on." Alex yells, they watch as the cart behind them starts to roll away from them but they push the thought away and focus on the task at hand. Alex lets out a sigh of relief when the monitor starts to show his heart is back in rhythm.

"Hit me again."

They both jump when Stephen comes out of the astral plane again. "Stop doing that!" Christine yells huffing. "Up the voltage and hit me again."

Alex shakes his head quickly. "No, your hearts beating." Stephen looks at him determined. "Just do it!" Christine at Alex questioningly, he sighs and reluctantly nods. "Do it." Alex crosses his arms and puts his hand on his mouth, biting his nail. He knew this was a bad habit but he couldn't help it, someone he loved was in trouble.

Christine cranked it up to 360 before placing the paddles on Stephen's chest shocking him. Alex can hear Christine scream when the lights around the room start to pop. Stephen jumps up from the table, making Alex and Christine jump.

"Are you okay?" Alex asks hovering his hands near Stephen's hand, he didn't know if he should touch Stephen or not. "Yeah." Stephen groans letting his head rest back on the gurney.

Christine sighs and grabs the needle and thread to start closing the wound. After she starts threading the wound close she starts to speak. "After all this time, you show up here flying out of your body." Alex opens his mouth to defend Stephen but he's stopped by Stephen's hand on his arm, Stephen slowly shakes his head.

"Yea, I know. I missed you to by the way." Christine rolls her eyes fondly. "I wrote you emails, but you never responded." Christine looks at Stephen like he's dumb.

"Why would I? I only talked to Alex to make sure you were okay, that's all." Stephen looks at Alex sadly. "I am so sorry, to the both of you."

"I was a complete asshole, I treated you both so horribly. Especially you, Alex, I will never forgive myself for treating you like that and you deserved so much more Alex." Alex smiles sadly before leaning down and kissing Stephen on the forehead squeezing Stephen's hand. "I deserve you."


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