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Alex hasn't left Stephen's side, and Stephen hasn't asked him too, not wanting the one thing that made him normal leave

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Alex hasn't left Stephen's side, and Stephen hasn't asked him too, not wanting the one thing that made him normal leave.

It broke Alex seeing Stephen upset, but he understood because they were going through a lot of uncertainty right now, his psychologist part of his brain told him he had to be patient and let Stephen come to terms with it but the part of his brain where he was Stephen's boyfriend, wanted to help him through this, he hated seeing his boyfriend hurting.

"Have you been looking at your X-rays again?" Alex sighs as he comes out of the bathroom watching Stephen carefully flip through the IPad that Christine left in his room, they luckily because of Stephen's influence got Christine to be his Doctor.

"No." Stephen's voice went up slightly as he quickly shut down whatever he was doing wincing when he hurt his wrapped hands, his hands have been tightly wrapped ever since they did the surgery to take the pins out.

"I know when you are lying," Alex smirks and walks over to Stephen gently grabbing the IPad and moving it out of his reach making Stephen pout.

"I just keep looking at them, knowing I can do better, I know it." Alex rubs his face as he sits in the chair beside Stephen, something he's done many times.

"Stephen, you almost died, you trained Christine, you know she's the best. No else could've done better, you know that." Alex kissed Stephen on the head gently, something that has been a common thing since Stephen came to the hospital.

"When is dinner coming?" Stephen scoots down carefully looking to the side towards Alex.

"Should be soon, you want me to shave you today?" Alex puts his hand on his chin looking at the little scruff Stephen has accumulated.

"Yea, after they bring the food." Stephen moves his hand slightly and lays it on Alex's.

"Sounds like a plan, as long as you get better." Alex gently rubs over the fingertips of the hand.

"When are you going back to work?" Stephen kept staring at Alex.

"Whenever you are out of the hospital, you are more important." Alex chuckles when Stephen rolls his eyes at Alex.

"Of course you would wait that long, I'm not going to get out of the hospital tomorrow you know, promise me, soon you'll go back to work." Stephen looked at Alex until he really nodded his head.

"Fine, but not for long." Alex saw when Stephen's face took the compromise.

"Hello Boys, dinner is here, do you all need anything before I leave?" A nurse asked rolling in the food tray.

Stephen was about to decline when Alex interrupted him.

"Some towels would be nice, I'm going to help Stephen fresher up some tonight." Alex stood up and rolled the tray closer, he knew Stephen rolled his eyes.

"Right away, I'll bring them when I grab the food." The Nurse nodded politely at the couple and walked out of the room.

"Why did you have to do that?" Stephen groans as Alex opens the food.

"Because, you need to get freshened up, gonna get those casts off soon, start doing PT." Alex opened the silverware that came with the food.

"Feed me?" Stephen changed the subject and looked at Alex with pleading eyes.

"Of course." Alex smiles and gets up to sit on the edge of the bed, Stephen having to move his legs a little bit for there to be room.

Alex brought the food up to Stephen's mouth which he ate quickly, Stephen ate half so Alex ate the other half, and soon the towels were brought, the nurse offered to help but Stephen quickly shot that down, embarrassed to let anyone see him naked.

"Ready?" Alex asked holding the razor-close to Stephen's face that was covered in foam.

"Yes, be gentle." Alex rolled his eyes but did as commanded, he didn't pull or hurt Stephen, at all.

"Might have to have you shave my face all the time," Stephen smirked once they were finished and Alex was putting things away because it was getting time for sleep.

"I'll do it as long as you want me too." Alex smiled at Stephen as he put the uncomfortable couch into a bed.

"I think my wraps come off tomorrow," Stephen spoke once the lights were off.

"You nervous?" Alex already knew the answer, but wanted to see if Stephen would admit it out loud.

"Yea, if they don't work, I don't know what I'm going to do." Stephen sighed and Alex dropped it, deciding that they should sleep.


The next day after much pestering Alex decided to go home and wash clothes, get new clothes, the basics.

When he came back he stopped outside of Stephen's room, he heard voices.

He knew the voices belonged to Christine, Doctor West, along with Stephen of course, Alex peaked his head around and saw Stephen had his bandage off and was trying to move it, but failing.

"You've ruined me." Alex heard Stephen say, Alex sighed and rubbed his head, he turned around and went to the vending machine, he watched out of the corner of his as the doctors walked out of his room, Christine walked towards Alex.

"Hey." Christine gives Alex a sad smile.

"I heard what happened, I'm sorry about him." Alex opened the m&m bag he got and gave her some.

"You shouldn't apologize for him, he's going through a hard time, and it's just the way Stephen acts. Thanks for the M&M's." Christine patted Alex on the back and walked away lifting her hand to mouth to pop the M&Ms in her mouth.

Alex took a deep breath and started walking into the room, he knocked before entering.

"Hi, baby." Alex put the bags on the couch that he slept on.

"I'm sure you heard what happened?" Stephen took a shaky deep breath.

"Yea, spied on you a little bit. I'm sorry it's hard to move your hand, Stephen." Alex leaned down and kissed him.

"It's just hard, I don't want to be worthless to you, I don't want you to have to take care of me for the rest of my life." Stephen laid his head against Alex's arm.

"Whatever happens, you aren't worthless to me, you mean the world to me, I promise."


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