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Alex was having a hard day today, after Doctor Etienne declined the offer to help Stephen it really affected him that night, therefore effected Alex as they had to sleep in the same bed but because Alex was at work he had to put on a brave face an...

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Alex was having a hard day today, after Doctor Etienne declined the offer to help Stephen it really affected him that night, therefore effected Alex as they had to sleep in the same bed but because Alex was at work he had to put on a brave face and take care of patients.

So he allowed himself to cry in his office once the Lewis brothers left, he dried his tears as quickly as possible before looking to see who was next. Alex sniffed and looked at his schedule, Levi Chaudhari a long-standing patient for Alex.

Alex put his schedule on the table beside him and stood up, he dusted his pants off looking in the reflection to make sure he looks okay, and opens the door. "Levi, come on back," Alex says after he opens the door, Alex waited a few seconds and got worried when Levi never responded.

Afraid that he was having an episode Alex tried again. "Levi, you with me?" Alex held his hand out telling Veronica to wait as the commotion got her attention.

Whatever happened seemed to stop because Levi shook his head and gave his attention to Alex. "Hey, I was afraid you were in an episode or something, come on back." Alex stood aside and opened the door wider so Levi can come in, the door clicked when Alex shut it and Alex took a seat across from Levi.

As Alex sat down he noticed that Levi was looking at Alex strangely. "Can I ask you something?" Alex laughs but nods before replying. "Sure, I guess." Alex was very open to his patients about making them both honest, that doesn't mean Alex told them everything though.

Levi started twiddling his fingers which Alex noticed became a nervous habit of his. "Why was my appointment moved?" Alex started to speak but was interrupted by Levi. "Why does it look like you've been crying before I came in?"

Alex thought carefully about how he should answer and decided he should tell the truth, well half the truth. "Well, they have the same reason. I asked my boyfriend to marry me and he, unfortunately, said no." Alex feels a small ounce of dread that Levi is going to make Stephen be at fault.

"Well, your boyfriend doesn't deserve you."

Alex feels the need to defend Stephen because he's not there to do it. "The thing is he does deserve me, and I deserve him. He's just been going through a hard time right now." Wanting to start the session Alex picks his notepad up and folds it over.

"Back to you, how have you been doing?"

Alex twists his pen back and forth between his fingers waiting for Levi's answer. "It's been good, I've become great friends with James lately." Alex didn't miss the smile that Levi had on his face when he mentioned James.

Wanting to make sure he understood he clarified who James was. "James is Bucky right?" "Yes, during one of our talks he told me to call him James. He prefers that over Bucky but sadly Steve won't stop calling him Bucky."

Alex notices that Levi smiled again while talking about James. "I notice you can't stop smiling when you talk about James. Is there something else there Levi?" Alex can't help the smirk that happens when Levi blushes before responding.

"Sort of, I'm taking it slow. We're both very cautious people so I have to take this slow or it will blow up in my face."

Alex writes something down in his notebook before speaking. "Has your opinion on superheroes changed since meeting James?" Levi lets out a breath slowly. "Kind of, I know now that it wasn't there but I still don't like Steve. He just seems to stuck up to me." From a psychologist, Levi isn't wrong about that statement.

"Well, you don't have to like him but it's progress, Levi."

Alex looks over just in time for the clock to ding telling them their hour is up, Alex gets up and walks to the door to let Levi out. Levi hugs him quickly before walking out of the open door into the waiting room and stops at Veronica for another appointment.


Alex barely gets through the door when Stephen tells him some news. "There's a new procedure in Tokyo, they culture donor stem cells and then harvest them. 3D- print a scaffold, if I could just get a loan together." Alex closes his eyes and sighs loudly. "Stephen." Alex walks over to Stephen who was sitting on the couch with his tablet in his hands.

Stephen looks at Alex with bright eyes. "A small loan, 200,000." Alex whistles. "Stephen that's not small, you've always spent money as fast as you could make it but now you're spending money we don't even have. Maybe you should stop." Stephen looks at Alex angrily. "No! Now is exactly the time not to stop, because you see, I'm not getting any better." Stephen raises his hands to show them shaking.

Alex tries to calm his breathing, his brain taps into his work mode. "This isn't medicine anymore. This is mania, Stephen. Some things just can't be fixed." "Life without my work..." Stephen trails off.

"Is still your life, this isn't the end. There are other things that can give your life meaning."

Stephen looks at Alex full of spite. "Like what? Like you? This white picket fence life?" Alex tries to not let Stephen's comment sting.

"This is the part where you apologize."

"This is the part where you leave."

Alex scoffs and stands up. "I can't watch you do this to yourself right now." Alex walks towards the bedroom wanting space. "Too difficult for you, is it?" Stephen mocks.

"It is, it breaks my heart to see you this way."

Clearly, that was the wrong thing to say to Stephen. "No, don't pity me." Alex shakes his head. "I'm not pitying you, Stephen."

Stephen stands up and throws his tablet harshly on the couch. "Oh yeah? I'm just a charity case! You love a sob story don't you, just another brain for you to diagnose. Poor Stephen!"

A tear falls from Alex's eye and he doesn't bother to wipe it away. "Goodnight Stephen." Alex gulps and walks into the bedroom locking it behind him knowing that Stephen will be okay in the guest bedroom for right now.

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