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Alex was bouncing with excitement, Stephen still has no idea where they're going to make matters worse Stephen decided to take his own car, something about if Stephen gets called in he won't ruin the evening even though Alex told him he wouldn't

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Alex was bouncing with excitement, Stephen still has no idea where they're going to make matters worse Stephen decided to take his own car, something about if Stephen gets called in he won't ruin the evening even though Alex told him he wouldn't.

"Happy anniversary baby." Stephen snakes his arms around Alex's waist kissing Alex's cheek.

"Happy 6th anniversary." Alex turns in Stephen's arm hopping up on the counter.

"Did you know that it's the wood anniversary this year?" Stephen smirks lips ghosting over Alex's.

"Of course you would think about that, you're a cutie." Alex pecks Stephen on the nose and hops off the counter to start breakfast.

"What are you gonna make us?" Stephen hooks his chin on Alex's shoulder.

"A full Irish breakfast, my parent's recipe." Alex smiles starting to make the eggs.

"I would much rather eat you." Stephen jokes smiling when Alex lightly hits him on the shoulder.

"Not funny, oh my gosh, leave me be." Alex lightly pushes Stephen but Stephen doesn't move, he just slots his head next to Alex's.

"Never, I love you." Stephen lets go of Alex for a second to turn on some music.

"Oh, Queen, I love a man with good taste." Alex sways to the beat of Somebody to Love.

"I have spent all my years in believing you." Stephen badly sings grabbing Alex's hand and spinning Alex around swaying with him dramatically.

"Stop! Don't make me burn the sausage." Alex shakes his head and goes to flip the food.

"Are you gonna tell me the plans for tonight?' Stephen decides to stop bugging Alex considering he was almost finished making food.

"We will be eating at the Press Lounge Restaurant, that's all I can tell you," Alex smirks when Stephen pouts.

"I won't tell you what I got you then." Stephen huffs looking away from Alex.



Alex was at the restaurant, he was tapping his foot against the floor, he grabbed the ring box out of his pocket and ran his fingers over the velvet box, smiling Alex flipped it open.

He looked at the time frowning, it was 6:30 pm, Stephen was thirty minutes late.

"Is your company coming, sir?" The waiter asked for the millionth time.

"Yes, he should be here soon." Alex nods curtly, be here soon Alex mutters.

Alex's brows furrow when his phone lights up signaling he got a call, it was Christine Palmer.

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