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Alex has been in Nepal for a few days, he's been happy to reunite with Stephen but he still hasn't proposed

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Alex has been in Nepal for a few days, he's been happy to reunite with Stephen but he still hasn't proposed. By the knowing glance the Ancient One has been sending Alex he has a feeling that the man knows but he's grateful that no one has told Stephen.

He's scared proposing will push Stephen away again, and Alex doesn't want that. "How was training?" Alex asks when Stephen walks into the hut.

Stephen hums and leans over and kisses Alex on the lips. "It's good, I found out Wong told on me though," Alex smirks but it's hidden behind the book he's reading. 

"You were taking books without his knowledge, Stephen," Alex says teasingly putting his book aside so he can join Stephen in the shower that he knows Stephen is going to take. "You've been here what? Four days and you already sound like Wong." Stephen rolls his eyes fondly before grabbing their toiletries bag and stuffing some random clothes into it.

Alex gently grabs the bag out of his hands and stuffs his own pair of clothes into the back, Stephen had a confused look on his face but he didn't say anything. "I'm going to shower with you, is that okay?" Stephen nods grabbing Alex's hand loosely, Stephen brings their joined hands up to his mouth and he kisses Alex's hand.

Alex can't help the smile that comes across his face. "Shall we?" Stephen nods his head and opens the door, the shower room is right next to the huts.

"You know, I'm impressed with how well you're doing. I thought I'd lost the man I fell in love with." Alex wished he could take back what he said after seeing the hurt look on Stephen's face but he had to say it, he had to be honest if he was going to be with Stephen, from now on. "I never did apologize, I shouldn't have said or done any of those things."

Alex opened his mouth but Stephen stopped and put his hand out to silence Alex. "Don't- don't defend me. I don't deserve it, I don't deserve you traveling all the way to Nepal to get me back." Alex chuckled, he was surprised to hear how wet it sounded, he didn't expect to cry. "I had to, I couldn't let you ruin a 6-year romance without fighting for it first." Alex looks up and kisses Stephen before looking down at their hands, he glanced at the sky.

"It's getting dark, we should take the shower." Stephen nods and starts leading Alex towards the showers, it matched everything else. "The same stall I presume?" Stephen rolled his eyes after he asked because he already knew Alex's answer.

"Of course, I missed our shared showers. Save water of course." Alex winks as he opens the door to a stall, no one else was showering so they had the whole room to themselves.

They both got undressed and tossed their clothes on the table inside the stall where the bag of clothes was. "Want me to go first?" Alex nodded at Stephen so he turned the water on, with a slight pull Alex was under the water next to Stephen.

This was the moment, Alex thinks to himself. Seeing the water rundown Stephen's face, Alex knew it was the perfect moment. "Marry me?" Alex whispered lips close to Stephen's lips.

"What?" Stephen pulled back to look at Alex's face to see any sign of distrust. "Marry me? I want to be with you, forever." Alex expected Stephen to say no, to say he wasn't ready. That a fiance would interfere with his studies but Stephen didn't, he just smiled.

"I would love to." Stephen closed the slight gap between them and kissed Alex, suddenly Stephen pushed Alex so his back was against the shower wall, it was getting heated so Alex placed a hand on Stephen's chest pushing him back slightly. "Not now, later. Let's do what we came here for."

Stephen huffed but stepped back, he stepped back under the water pulling Alex with him.


The two men laid on the bed huffing, the still wet hair splayed across the pillows. "Well, that was funny," Alex muttered smirking, he intertwined their hands together.

"It was, I think we should talk about what you asked me in the showers." A pit suddenly grew in Alex's stomach, he thought that now that Stephen was out of the shower he changed his mind.

It seemed that Stephen read his mind. "I'm not changing my mind, I just want more knowledge." Alex sighing smiling, he let go of Stephen's hand and rolled out of bed. He grabbed his bag and tossed it on the bed. "My original plan was to ask you when we went out to dinner, the accident happened and I asked you in the hospital." Alex looked at the ring rolling it between his fingers before leaning towards Stephen.

"I regret saying no, I wasn't ready then. I'm ready now." Stephen raised his shaky hand out for Alex to place the ring on his finger. "I'm ready now too, as hard as it was to get here. I don't regret anything that happened. I got hurt, I won't lie but this- this moment right here. I wouldn't trade it for anything."

Alex gently grabbed the hand, it wasn't like how normal proposals go but it was enough for the two of them. "Hey, might not be traditional but you are on your knees." Stephen nods his head towards the position Alex is in, he's kneeling on the bed instead of sitting cross-legged. "It's good for us."

He lays back down next to Stephen, in the spot he abandoned to grab the ring. "Did anyone know about your plan to propose here?" Stephen asks moving his finger so the ring hits against the moonlight. "No one knew, Veronica didn't like the fact I was coming to find you. Wouldn't listen though."

Stephen rolled over so he was facing Alex. "I can't say I complain, glad you found me."

"I'm glad we got a second chance."


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