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Alex was warned how hard the first night home was going to be but Alex wished he processed that more, the first night back was hell for them

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Alex was warned how hard the first night home was going to be but Alex wished he processed that more, the first night back was hell for them. They had to sleep with a pillow between them because Stephen had to sleep with his arms propped up.

Not only that but after making dinner Stephen said he wasn't hungry but Alex knows for a fact Stephen hasn't eaten since lunch that day but if Alex had to guess it was the anxiety of being home that was making him feel sick.

But that was yesterday, now today is the first full day that they will be spending out of the hospital, and Alex is safe to say a little nervous. "Morning sleepy head." Alex put on a small smile as he watched Stephen walk which was more like a hobble into the kitchen.

Stephen carefully walked towards the kitchen table, no longer stable enough to try to sit down at the bar. "Hi," Stephen mumbled trying to move his fingers huffing when his fingers barely twitch. Alex sighs and walks over to Stephen putting his arms around his back looking at Stephen. "Do you have PT today?" Alex asks before leaning in and kissing Stephen on the lips.

Stephen leaned his head against Alex's shoulder. "I don't, get a break today because they pushed me hard yesterday." Alex kissed Stephen on the forward before helping to sit up so Alex and continue with breakfast. "Eggs scramble okay?" Alex looked behind him while walking to see that Stephen nodded in acceptance.

Alex hummed to himself while cooking looking behind him every once in a while to see Stephen, it was surreal that they were home again. "I hope you aren't looking up more operations again." Alex jokes once he turned around facing the stove after he saw Stephen brought his tablet to the table. "No," Stephen said voice going a little higher which told Alex he was lying, but Alex wasn't about to call him out on it.

"Would you like me to feed you?"

Stephen's eyes track Alex as he carries two bowls of egg scramble towards the dining table. "I would like to try if that's okay." Stephen turns the tablet off and pushes it over to the side of the table. Alex doesn't respond but he gets up and grabs a towel and puts it on Stephen's neck ignoring his grumbling.

Alex pushed the bowl closer to Stephen and put the spoon in Stephen's hand folding his fingers over the spoon. "Go slow, and it's okay if you drop it," Alex assures Stephen making sure he nods.

He itches to reach out to help Stephen but he knows that Stephen needs to do this, when he saw Stephen was getting frustrated after trying to put food in his mouth he started to try a conversation. "Do you have any plans for today?" Alex asked fully expecting Stephen to say no but was surprised at the answer. "I have a video call with an old colleague of mine." Alex secretly cheered when Stephen got some food into his mouth.

"Have I heard of this colleague?"

Stephen closes his eyes as he chews before letting the spoon make a clattering sound against the bowl. "His name is Etienne and he's a French neurosurgeon, I sent him some notes on my condition and I want to see if he can help me.

Alex sighs loudly. "Stephen, what if he can't help you." Stephen doesn't like to think about the what-ifs so it's up to Alex to think of those in the relationship.

Stephen looked towards Alex with squinted eyes. "He can, and he will." Alex resists the urge to let out another sigh.

Alex decides to change the subject. "How's your food?" Stephen either didn't care that Alex changed the subject or wasn't paying attention. "What I can get into my mouth is good." He nods at the egg scramble that was laying on the towel that Alex put in his lap.

When they were done Alex gathered the bowls and took them to the kitchen, he dumped the egg scramble that got on Stephen's lap in the trash and used the clean corner to wipe his mouth.

Alex stood in front of Stephen kissing him on the head. "Do you need anything? I need to get some work done from home. I start going back to work tomorrow." Stephen shook his head.

"I'm surprised you are going to work, I figured you would be nervous leaving me alone."

He couldn't help the smile that went across his face. "You won't be alone, I asked Christine she would come to make sure you are okay a few times during the day." Stephen gasped sighing loudly rolling his eyes at Alex. 

Alex kisses him to silence his protests and walks towards his office to get some work done, he left the door open so he can hear Stephen if Stephen needs him.


Alex yawned as he stretched, he glanced at the time and was shocked to see how late it was. A sudden pit appeared in his stomach because he hasn't heard or seen Stephen in a while, so he scoots his chair back and stands up walking towards the door. He can hear talking but he can't make out any words.

He stands there out of sight from Stephen but he can hear them, it seems Stephen is talking to Doctor Etienne. "No, No, wait!" Stephen shouted dread-filled Alex's stomach.

He heard Stephen grunt and a crash as something hit the floor, Alex ran towards the leaving room expecting to see Stephen laid out on the floor but that wasn't the case.

"He won't do it."

Sadness fills Alex, he knew that was going to be the answer but his heart hurt for Stephen.

"I'm so sorry Stephen."

Alex walks over to Stephen and hugs him tightly, pressing his cheek to Stephen's hair.

Alex knew this wasn't the end though, he just hoped Stephen would stop before he got hurt. 


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