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Alex was nervous, he only had a few days until he would be proposing to Stephen and as far as Alex knows, Stephen has no idea, he even talked to Christine and asked her if Stephen has given an indication, and she said no

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Alex was nervous, he only had a few days until he would be proposing to Stephen and as far as Alex knows, Stephen has no idea, he even talked to Christine and asked her if Stephen has given an indication, and she said no.

Alex hasn't told anyone that he's proposing, he doesn't have many people to tell other than his patients and he wouldn't do that.

Alex picked out a simple ring, nothing to fancy but he wanted Stephen to be able to wear it to work if he chooses to do so, which Alex would like very much.

Alex sighed looking around the penthouse, it was a rare day that Stephen went to work early, last night one of his patients almost died so Stephen has to figure out why today, Alex didn't have work, he hated these types of days, he feels lonely.

He gets from his spot curled on the couch and decides to make some lunch, it's not going to be the most healthy since Stephen isn't home and he probably wouldn't be for a couple of hours, Alex grabbed a frozen semi-healthy pizza and set the temperature to begin preheating the oven, while the oven was warming he chopped up some black olives to put on top.

He turned some songs on that filled the house, they didn't have to worry about neighbors hearing so they can blast the music as loud as they want which Alex always loved.

Once the oven chimed Alex opened the door and placed the pizza on the rack, closing it he set the cooking time to what it said on the box.

Alex decided instead of waiting for the pizza to cook he wanted to see the ring again, he abandoned his cooking pizza and walked to the shared room, he decided after an almost close call of Stephen almost finding the ring Alex decided he thought it would best to switch hiding places for it, instead of it being in a drawer he thought it would be best if he put it in an old eyeglasses cases that he no longer uses, he keeps it in his bedside table drawer and he knows for a fact that's the last place Stephen would look seeing as Stephen doesn't need glasses, neither does Alex anymore but he uses his old glasses cases for his sunglasses.

Alex sat on his side of the bed and opened the door, putting a few things that he hid it with on his bed he grabbed the case, he flipped it open and grabbed the ring box, Alex was about to open the box when the stove went off, he huffed and put it back in the hiding spot and got up to eat his pizza.

He used his sock-clad feet to slide towards the kitchen the voice of James Arthur filling the house with his voice, Alex made sure to grab an oven mitt, Stephen's scolding of not using one when Alex almost burned himself filling his brain. 

He debates if he should get a plate or not but he decides to grab a plate, he didn't want to have to carry a hot pan to the couch so he sighed but grabbed a plate and cut two slices of pizza, he walked over to the couch, grabbed a remote and found a random show to watch, he crossed his legs and ate his pizza, not paying much attention to the tv but it was just noise as he already turned the music off.

Alex wiped his hands on his pants and put the plate on the coffee table and was going to get to up get a book when his phone rang.

"Hello?" Alex answered putting the phone up to his ear.

"Of course you can come over! Stephen is at work so I'm home alone." Alex told Veronica who was the one who called him.

"Sounds perfect Roni, can't wait to see you." Alex smiled and ended the call.

Alex jumped up from the couch and decided to clean up a little, he had to clean the kitchen from when he cooked, he had to straighten up the living room to make it look comfy and nice.

When Alex thought of everything he had to do he sighed but a smile spread on his face and he started to clean up.


"Are you nervous?" Veronica asks as she's painting Alex's nails a dark blue color.

"Nervous for what?" Alex asks blowing his nails dry as Veronica moves on to the other hand.

"The proposal." Veronica doesn't look up as she's trying to not mess up.

"I mean everything is set up, I got the restaurant booked, the ring, so I'm not nervous about that but I'm nervous that he could say no." Alex huffs as he spreads his fingers out looking at the pretty color spread over his nails.

"He won't say no when I met him once, he looked at you with such love. Are you nervous that something is going to go wrong?" Veronica places down the polish and finds a color for herself that Alex can paint on her nails.

"No, I don't think anything will go wrong, the only thing I'm worried about is if he says no." Alex grabs the polish she hands him and starts painting Veronica's nails a dark red color.

"Enough about me, have anyone in your life?" Alex smirked when he saw Veronica blush.

"Her name is Misty, it's very new like so new that she has no idea I like her type of new." Veronica was nervous, that much Alex could tell.

"What do you like about her? Where did you meet?" Alex fired off minor basic questions to try to have Veronica relax.

"I love her bright red hair, it's soft too. We met at the LGBTQ Homeless center I volunteer at." Alex knew that Veronica volunteered at LGBTQ places which made Alex smile.

"It sounds fun." Alex smiles, this day started boring and Alex was lonely but now it's no longer so boring and lonely.  


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