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Stephen was close, Alex could feel him

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Stephen was close, Alex could feel him. Alex sighed as he followed the map he was holding, he gently touched his inner pocket to make sure the ring was still there. It was a long shot he knew that but Alex had to try, he was shot down by Stephen once but he hoped Stephen had changed his mind.

Alex stopped in front of a building, it didn't look like anything special but this is where the map led him, he raised his hand and knocked. "Hi, um I'm looking for Stephen," Alex told the man who opened the door. "Wong, you're Stephen's boyfriend right?" Alex opened his mouth to respond but closed it quickly and just nodded. "The Ancient One told me to expect you, he usually doesn't like his students being interrupted but he knows that you would have been insistent on seeing Him. Stephen is in the library." The closer Wong led Alex to the library the more nervous he's getting, what if he doesn't want to see him. "What if he doesn't want to see me?" Alex asks Wong grabbing the strap of the backpack that was slung on his back.

Wong smiled slightly, he opened the door to the library and stepped aside. "He does, trust me." When Alex walked into the library he gave himself a chance to look around, he was amazed at what he saw. He jumped when Wong shut the door behind him. "Wong, I need you to get me a book." It was no mistaking that it was Stephen's voice, Alex put his hand over his mouth to keep from sobbing in joy.

"Wong?" Stephen turned around in his chair expecting to see Wong, but there was Alex frozen in one spot. "Alex? Is that you?" Alex nodded slightly, Stephen scooted the chair away from the table and walked over to Alex quickly.

When Stephen put his arms around Alex he fell into the embrace easily, Alex was clutching the robes Stephen had on tightly afraid that Alex was dreaming and he would wake up back in the penthouse alone. "Oh Stephen, I missed you." Alex croaked out, his voice was coated with emotion. "I missed you too, how did you find me?" Stephen pulled back from the embrace, Alex grabbed on to Stephen's hand as Stephen led the two of them to the table. "Jonathan Pangborn told me where to find you, you look good Stephen." It's been a few months since Alex last saw Stephen but Stephen looked really good, almost like his old self.

Stephen nodded and tightened his hand around Alex's, Alex noticed Stephen's hands were still shaky but he had more control over them. "This place really helped me out, my shakiness isn't gone but I got some motor control back and I can do this." Stephen waved his hand and a portal opened behind Alex. "Holy shit." With a wave of Stephen's hand the portal closed.

Alex couldn't help it, he leaned forward and pressed their lips together for the first time in months. "I missed that," Stephen murmured when Alex pulled back slightly. "Why did you leave me?" Stephen sighed, he knew that Alex was going to ask that question but he just hoped he would have a better answer for him. "I wanted to be fixed, I wasn't sure what you would've said so I didn't tell you. I spent all of my money on surgeries, I went out on a limb for this journey. I knew you would think it wouldn't pay off but I had to try, now look at me." Stephen softly smiled at Alex.

Sniffing Alex looked around at the library, he wanted to be somewhere private with Stephen. "Is there somewhere we can go? I need to tell Veronica I made it." Stephen nodded, he stood up and grabbed Alex's hand not wanting to let go just yet. "Oh, let me grab these books first." Stephen turned around and grabbed the two heavy books that he was looking at when Alex walked in.

"We have tiny huts on the grounds just past the courtyard slash training area, we also have wi-fi." Stephen chuckles, Alex could see the wi-fi thing was something else but he didn't push it, he just followed Stephen out of the library towards the courtyard. "Wong seemed to know I was coming, how?" Alex asked as Stephen led him towards a row of huts.

Stephen hummed. "Did Wong tell you the Ancient One told him?" Alex nodded, Stephen pointed at a spot in the corner so Alex put the backpack down in the corner. "We can get you settled in, the bed is big enough for two." Stephen winked at Alex who shook his head fondly, he missed this.

"The Ancient One, you might meet him some time but he's very powerful. He can see past and future, which is probably how he knew you were going to show up. Which I'm glad you came, I don't think I said that before." Stephen brushed a piece of hair behind Alex's ear before he leaned down and kissed Alex. "So you want me to stay? I don't want to intrude or interfere with your training."

Stephen sat down on the bed next to Alex, he grabbed Alex's hand. "You aren't intruding, like I said the Ancient One knows everything. You wouldn't be here if something happened that is somehow you're fault." Stephen's words made Alex relax a little bit, he grabbed his phone out is pocket pointedly ignoring the ring safely tucked in his pocket out of sight.

Alex waved his phone around in front of Stephen. "Password? I'm afraid that Christine and Veronica might send search parties after me." Stephen gave Alex a tiny ripped-off piece of paper with Shamballa on it. "Did you tell anyone where you went?" Alex shook his head, but then nodded slightly. "I just told Veronica I was going to Nepal but I told Christine I was going to look for you." Stephen put his hand on Alex's phone covering it.

"Don't tell them what you're doing alright? Just tell them you're safe." Alex looked at Stephen confused and he was going to question it but decided not to, if Stephen wanted to keep this a secret Alex was going to respect that.

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