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A loud bell went off, Alex looked at Stephen worried

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A loud bell went off, Alex looked at Stephen worried. "London." Wong looked up at the globe above their heads. That was all the warning they got before the London door opened and people came rushing towards the door.

Alex ran and ducked when someone died trying to get into where they were at. His heart was pounding, he closed his eyes and took some deep breaths. "NO!" Alex heard Mordo shout before he felt a rumble throughout the ground. He didn't what made him do it but he ran, he ran towards what he thinks was Stephen. "Stephen! Thank god you're okay." Alex put his hands on Stephen's arms. "Watch out!" Stephen yelled before bringing Alex towards him just in time for a boulder to block the door they came from.

"Are you okay?" Alex nods at Stephen's question rubbing his face. "Wong? Mordo?" Stephen yelled getting no answerback. "Stephen, we have to find a way out." Alex's heart is pounding, he can't imagine what Stephen is feeling but they have to find a way out.

Stephen nods and starts pushing on their surrounding, it doesn't take long to find another door. Panting Stephen pushes the door with his shoulder and slowly walking out. "Holy shit," Alex says as the two of them stand in the middle of the room looking around. 

"Where are we?" Stephen asks quietly. Alex turns around and spots a door, he nudges Stephen and nods towards the door. "Are you okay?" Alex as they walk towards the door. "Fine, just sore." Stephen shortly says, Alex drops it.

Alex opens the door gently, he gulps when he finds cars. He walks further outside and that's when he realizes, it's New York. "We're in New York! Oh my god." Alex turns to look at Stephen, that's when he notices that Stephen's bleeding. "Oh my god, Stephen. You're bleeding." Alex walks towards Stephen, he lifts his sleeve and gently wipes away the blood that was seeping from his cheek. The only sign that Stephen was paying attention was the involuntary flinch he did. "177A Bleecker Street," Stephen murmurs pushing Alex's hands down.

Alex huffs loudly. "We're in Greenwich babe, I'm going back inside." Alex turns and walks inside leaving Stephen to ogle outside. "Hello?" Alex asks walking around the building, he can hear Stephen coming in the door behind him. "What are you doing Alex?" Stephen asks walking quickly to catch up with him.

"I'm seeing if anyone was here." Alex rolls his eyes but is stopped by Stephen grabbing his arm. "Look, I get it. You are still running off of adrenaline from the attack but you can't go off alone. You don't know who is in here, what if someone tried to hurt you. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you." Alex tried to keep a mad face but the last thing Stephen said made his resolve fall. "I'm fine Stephen, I promise. Now that you are here though we can look around together." Stephen nods and holds out his for Alex to take which he does with a smile.

They walk down the hallway until they reach the end, it breaks off into a bigger room, and at the end are three glass doors, behind each door seems to be a different season. "Wow." Alex softly says dropping Stephen's hand and walks over to the door with a forest behind it while Stephen opens the door that has the oceans behind it.

Almost instantly as Alex opened the door he heard the smell of the forest, the wind softly blowing followed by a bird tweeting. "That was really cool," Alex said closing the door slowly turning around, he watched as Stephen turned the orange glowing nob beside it.

What once showed an ocean behind the door turned into a desert. "Oh my god." Alex watched in wonder, Stephen broke away from the doors and began to walk around the room. "Hello?" Stephen says as he's walking around followed closely by Alex. "I wonder where all these Relics are from," Alex mutters looking around the room breaking off from Stephen.

"ALEX! Get in here!" Stephen's voice booms across the room, Alex wide-eyed stops what he's doing and follows Stephen's voice towards a broken-off concaved area at the end of the room. "Do you see what I see?" Stephen's voice shakes as he raises a shaky finger towards the tall display case. "Um, I see a floating cloak." Alex looks at the cloak in wonder, he slowly raises his hand but Stephen coughs and shakes his head so Alex drops his hand.

Stephen walks towards a different area while Alex stays by the cloak, something is telling Alex to stay where he is. Alex looks at the ground terrified when he feels rumbling, a similar rumbling to what happened before Kamar-Taj was attacked. "Stay in that room, Alex." Stephen orders walking down the stairs.

Alex looks around hurriedly, he isn't going to go fight but he does want to hide. He pushes around on the baseboards. "Come on, there has to be a secret hiding spot here," Alex whispers to himself.

Something finally happened, a board moved when Alex pressed it. Looking around he crawled his way into the small spot. He closed it behind him, Alex was lucky he wasn't claustrophobic but Alex thinks he might be if he ever comes out of this.

He raises his butt slightly to grab his phone, breathing slowly he turns on the flashlight shining it around the tiny room. Alex doesn't know what he was expecting but it wasn't much, he couldn't even sit up correctly but it was something.

Alex lays his head on the wall, he can hear Stephen fighting out in the main room. He knows that Stephen can hold his own but that doesn't make hiding like this any easier. Alex looks at the battery on his phone, he fights the urge to send a goodbye text to Veronica when everything went silent.

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