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The sounds of cars passing by filled Cordelias ears

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The sounds of cars passing by filled Cordelias ears. Her head was pounding and her whole body felt sore.

"Hey Cordelia long time no see."

Slowly the witches eyes began to open seeing that she was laying on cold concrete floor. The light blinded her as soon as it was turned on.

The lights instantly showing Jeremiah.

"Where am I?" She asked sitting up seeing that she was held back my chains.

"Well that's a good question. You are at one of our locations."

Cordelia looked around, she was in some type of cell with metal bars.


"The travelers. They ordered me to take you. Although I don't know why. I'm guessing they're still pissed about how their kidding the child plan failed miserably. How is she by the way?" Jeremiah asked sitting down.

Cordelia didn't answer instead she tried to use her magic but there was no use.

"I wouldn't try. Myrtle did a little extra something to those chains so with those on your magic is nothing..."

The witch rolled her eyes and grunted. "How did you get me anyways?"

Jeremiah let out a gasp. "You don't remember? Well it was quite easy, you were driving and we crashed into your car, brought you here."

"Jeremiah what happened to you?" Cordelia asked shaking her head in disappointment.

"Nothing. I'm great. Better than ever before." He said with a straight face.

"You killed Jo."

That seemed to had made him snap because he quickly grabbed onto the bars. "I didn't kill her! She's better of dead anyways. Jerome never deserved her. I did."

Jeremiah quickly recomposed himself and fixed his neatly ironed suit.

"Don't frighten her Jeremiah she's our guest." Another man spoke walking in as he fixed his tie

"Who the hell are you?"


Josette paced in the living room back and forth, Cordelia never came home. She always came home never once has she stayed somewhere else.

The girls head quickly snapped as she heard the door open.

"Sorry doll, we can't find her. Is she answering her phone?" Jerome asked quickly walking in with Derek by his side.

Josette shook her head and quickly went to hug Derek. "I called. No answer. We'll find her Derek I promise."

The tall man gave a nod and held her in his embrace for a while longer.

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