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The Meeting

(I really don't know what this chapter is! It's so bad!!! I'm sorry!!!)

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(I really don't know what this chapter is! It's so bad!!! I'm sorry!!!)

All the rooms were filled with some sort of tension it was unbearable for the girl. Jerome had agreed to take Rosalie and Josette to her moms, he had no idea why, she hated her mom Katherine.

But he wanted her to feel as comfortable as possible, these last two days had been very quiet, too quiet. It seemed everyone was still a bit butt hurt about the whole fight, but on the bright side it didn't ruin any relationships which both Cordelia and Josette were happy about.

Katherine was the only person she could go too, originally she wanted to go to Jim Gordon but he thinks she still dead. She missed him so much, she just wanted to give him a hug and tell him that she was okay, sadly she couldn't.

The more she thought about leaving for a few days the more she stared to hate it, it become very clear how strong the bond was between her and Jerome, she admitted she totally fucked up on that part, but to her it wasn't all that bad.

More books she read the more information she got, it was very serious and very common back then with the witches, although Josette didn't carry all of it out, Jerome was happy about that, at least she still had a mind of her own, that's one of the things he loved most about her.

Every time she thought about spending one day without Jerome her heart began to race, that was undoubtedly the bond doing its magic.

As the girl packed a small bag of clothes she heard the very calm sound of rain, it had been pouring for day's now. She peeked out the window seeing small droplets of water run down the frame, the sky was very gray, clouds practically hiding the sky making the rain look even more aesthetically pleasing.

"Are you ready to go?" Jerome asked getting his keys. The girl took in a breath and turned around thinking about it for a second. Something had been bothering her ever since that fight with Cordelia, she just couldn't shake it no matter how hard she tried. "No...I don't think I want to go anymore." She confessed as she sat down on the bed.

"What wrong doll?" He asked sitting next to her. "I don't know..." she said shrugging her shoulders, she knew but she couldn't find the words to explain it. "Why is this house so big?" The question was random, taking her boyfriend by surprise. "Because I have a lot of things like weapons, and my guys need space, doll face you already know that."

Over this past week she felt like her feelings had been changing, about everything. She hated feeling on edge all the time wondering who was going to get kidnapped next, or who she was gonna have to save, Josette knew she had to except it because she loved Jerome, this was his life and she couldn't change him. She wasn't meant to live a normal life, she was gifted with powers that could help a lot of people.

Even though she hated this she was well aware she couldn't stand around doing nothing when she had extraordinary gifts. It was her choice to not walk away, she didn't regret it but lately she's been wondering how a normal life would be like, with Jerome and her daughter of course.

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