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WEN JUNHUI was not a pervert, though it seemed like he was within the moment as his neighbor XU MINGHAO was currently cursing him out in Mandarin

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WEN JUNHUI was not a pervert, though it seemed like he was within the moment as his neighbor XU MINGHAO was currently cursing him out in Mandarin. Face flushed as he covered his chest with his t-shirt that he was supposed to slip on minutes ago. How did Jun get into this situation? It was a simple story.

Saturday morning, Jun usually began his day by completing a couple of his assignments before heading downstairs to grab breakfast. He thought it was more efficient to head straight into his tasks instead of avoiding them. Although breakfast was a necessity, his homework given for the weekend wasn't too difficult for his brain to comprehend. Besides, he'd have to get them done sometime during the week so he'd rather have them finished earlier than later. It about nine forty-seven, a reasonable time to be up though he was quite aware that most of his friends would sleep in until twelve. Which sucked since none of them answered his messages if he needed help on any of his assignments. But, he'd overcome the difficulties one way or another.

After thirty minutes or so, Jun finished his work for two classes. For a small reward, he gets up from his seat and stretches. Knowing that sitting for a long time can stiffen his body and irritate his back. Walking around his room to loosen up his bones, he passes by his window which displays the outside world. Well, not much of the outside world — it's actually his neighbors house. There's another window aligned with his, so whoever occupied the room across from him was his window buddy he'd say. Staring out for a couple seconds, that's where the chaos started. Wanting some fresh air, he unlocks the hinges of his window and opens it shortly to feel the breeze. "I thought this would feel like some anime scene but I'm cold as shit.." He mutters, hands grasping onto himself as he tried to warm himself up. As his teeth began to chatter, his eyes capture a figure from the room across from him.

The window's open, which was terribly awkward. Jun knows that he should look away but he can't help but admire — and or more appreciate the individual's back. It was fairly built and it seemed like they did a sport, he wondered if they was into volleyball. "Oh god..what if they're a girl and I'm—"

The unknown person turns around as his ears captures his words, Jun who knows he's fucked slightly backs away from his window as he makes eye contact with them. Oh, a boy. Is all he thinks with relief, but that's only when the unnamed boy starts cursing at him in Mandarin. Unaware that Jun could understand every single word he rapidly spat out. "Y—You pervert!" Is the last thing he says, throwing up the middle finger as his other hand covers his exposed body.

"N—No! It's not what it seems!" Jun says, trying to clear up the misunderstanding as quickly as possible. "I was just looking out my window and I saw you! I wasn't peeking or anything, just saw your back! Nothing more!"

The boy takes a couple of deep breaths to calm himself down, grabbing his glasses from the table nearby. He quickly puts them on and his t-shirt as well. "W—What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Is all he questions, trying to act intimidating although Jun displayed no fear. "You wanna die or something?"

"Of course not!" Jun immediately answers, "It wasn't intentional I promise.." He sounded genuine, with Minghao being the kind soul he was, he wouldn't allow himself to not forgive the boy. Besides, it was true, all he did see was his back.

"Y—You're forgiven.." He shortly says, Jun smiles as he finally felt the stress be relieved from his shoulders. "Just..don't do that again."

"Probably should keep your window shut then."

"I wanted a bit of fresh air okay.." Minghao states, "I've been studying all night and I woke up early again to continue. I feel dead inside." He explains to the teen boy, knowing that it would bring some background knowledge. "Besides, why is your window open?"

"To watch the pretty boy and his back."

"You pervert!" Minghao screams, grabbing the nearest item in his reach to chuck at the boy. Luckily he's able to get it through his window but sadly he misses his target. "What's your actual reasoning?!"

"Well, I wanted to know how it felt to be the protagonist in an anime. You know, those cliché scenes? I wanted to put myself in that position but the air is kind of cold. Four out of ten, wouldn't try again." Jun explains, it was slightly true but Minghao didn't believe it one bit. "It's true okay! Well, kind of."

"You're weird, I knew you were ever since I saw you jumping on your bed doing odd poses the other night." Minghao shortly says, exposing the boy's activities.

"You saw that!"

The younger male swore he was getting a headache, "The flash was going off every three seconds of course I saw it!"

"No need to be so uptight." Jun puts his hands up, worried that the other would release more of his wrath. "What's your name by the way? I never got it."

"Xu Minghao."

"You're from China? Well, that explains the cursing in Mandarin. I am too! I'm Wen Junhui, but you can call me Jun."

Minghao's eyes widen, he clears his throat leaning through his window a bit. "Y—You understood me then..correct?"

"Of course." As Jun winked, Minghao covered his face in embarrassment as he was ashamed of his impulsive actions. "Hey! Where's the fierce Hao? Now you look like melted pudding or something. Nothing wrong with pudding, it taste delicious." He had a habit of adding side comments, but it seemed Minghao took it the wrong way.

"Y—You perv! I don't taste good! He yells, shutting his window, "You don't deserve another apology!" His words were muffled but Jun was able to make out his last sentence.

Instead of trying to clear things up this time, Jun bursts out into laughter as he was amazed by Minghao's reactions. He was such a pure bean, a boy who filled his interest bar to the max. He never thought that his neighbor would be so interesting, and things were more fun since they were window to window. On the other side of the closed window, Minghao is screaming into his pillow as he didn't realize his neighbor was the academy's attractive volleyball captain. Formally known as Wen Junhui, he knew that his neighbor was some boy from his school. But he was never aware that it was Junhui. And that fact that he called him a pervert was a stretch of course. He did feel bad, but, he couldn't think. Who could when you saw a face like his in front of you? Pushing himself up from his bed, he returns back to his window and opens it again. Luckily, Jun is still sitting there.

"Sorry.." He mutters, trying his best to sound apologetic. Minghao was afraid that Jun would tell his friends about the incident, they were all - popular.  Minghao was an academic maniac as his friend Soonyoung would say. "You're not a perv, I just was shocked.."

Jun chuckles, "No worries! I'm not angry, but we should talk more Hao Hao." He says with a wide smile plastered on his face, "If that's okay with you?"

Minghao shrugs, "I'm not someone you should talk to."

"Why is that?" Jun tilts his head, confused by his words. He was hoping to see Minghao smile as he flashed one to him. It always worked with his friends.

"It's...It's nothing. I have to get back to work, bye." Is all he can say, shuttling his window for good to continue back to his studies. Jun who was left confused waited for a couple minutes to see if he'd come back.

He never did. But of course, that wasn't going to stop Jun.

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