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"MOM said you have to include," Fengjun argues back, currently Minghao and Jun were sitting in his room

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"MOM said you have to include," Fengjun argues back, currently Minghao and Jun were sitting in his room. Dinner was about to come about in an hour or so and Fengjun had barged into Jun's safe space, invading without any problem as it was a daily thing, "she said that I should get to know Minghao as well."

Jun lets out a groan, grabbing a pillow from behind his head as he was about to throw it towards the younger boy's face and yell at him to get out. But, Minghao had grabbed the brunette's wrist and shook his head in disapproval. "You want him to stay?"

"He asked nicely." Minghao comments, Jun lets out a defeated sigh as he didn't want to argue with the younger ravenette. As long as Fengjun behaved he would accept it, but, that was far from reality. Minghao pats the bed, giving the shorter boy a welcoming smile, "come on, you can join."

The boy's lips expand into a grin, Fengjun shuts the door before launching himself on Jun's bed. He sits in between the two older boys, getting himself cozy, "You're the best, Jun hyung would have kicked me out if you weren't here."

"Because all you do is bother me, it's basically your only talent."

"Hey!" Fengjun doesn't hesitate to raise his voice and turn to his brother, he flicks his forehead without any second thought and continues on with his sentence, "I'm actually good at foot sports and mom thinks I'm a prodigy at the piano."

"She's only saying that to be nice."

"Jun," As Minghao interferes, not wanting the two to continue with their bickering, "is this how siblings are supposed to act? I don't know if you guys are joking but it's awkward to have you both fighting in front of me."

"We've always been like this," Fengjun puts his hands behind his head and relaxes, "if I don't call Jun hyung a rat at least once a day, I'm not living. Oh, I don't think I have, hyung you're a rat."

Jun rolls his eyes, returning the forehead flick to his brother. "We've been like this ever since Fengjun learned how to speak. I don't forgive him for throwing up on me multiple times when he was a baby."

"I was a baby, I don't know what I was doing. Besides, I bet it was funny."

Minghao lets out a laugh after hearing the memory, they seemed to be close though they had their heated moments. But, that was how family acted sometimes. He wondered how things would be if he had a sibling, would his mom be just as harsh on him or split the scolding so both of them could feel her wrath. Though Minghao and his mom have had their share of unpleasant times, he still didn't feel close or comfortable with her. He definitely was thankful that his parents were trying their best to give him a great life, the only major damaging part was his mother's treatment. He merely wanted her to understand that. "You guys are an interesting pair, it's fun."

"Not as interesting as you and hyung. So, you're dating now?" Fengjun wiggles his brows, letting out a mischievous laugh. "I knew it ever since he started talking about some cute neighbor to Shua. Jun hyung has no game so-" Jun doesn't take a second to think and covers the boy's mouth, but, the younger brunette licks his palm with his tongue,

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