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ONE week after Minghao had left, Wonwoo and Soonyoung were informed with specific details of what happened the day of

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ONE week after Minghao had left, Wonwoo and Soonyoung were informed with specific details of what happened the day of. Joshua, who had been told by Mrs. Wen of the sad ending rushed to Jun's place to spend the night as he was one of the only individuals closest to the boy. Jun had still not become accustomed to the empty bedroom across from him. For the last seven days, he woke up not being able to walk with Minghao to school, able to give him a gentle kiss, or even physically give him a simple 'hello' as there was a large distance between them. Minghao's whereabouts were unknown to Jun, he wondered if he was banned from contacting anyone residing in Korea or overall had his phone rights stolen.

"Nothing?" Jun's overwhelming thoughts fled as Joshua's voice entered his head, the bluenette looks over to him. The same concerned expression he wore was once again present as Jun was spacing out as they walked home.


"There has to be some reason," Joshua reassures, but Jun shrugs his shoulders and puts his device away as it only brought his hopes up. "he can't just disappear like that."

"I know." Jun shortly mumbles, understanding where the older was coming from. "I'll just keep waiting, it won't hurt to wait for a couple of days."

"Well, tell us if you get anything," Joshua refers to 'us' as Soonyoung and Wonwoo as their group has now enlarged ever since the situation occurred. "I'll see you tomorrow, text me if you need anything." The blunette says goodbye as they arrived in front of Jun's house. The brunette gave him a weak wave as a way to respond to his departure.

"I will."

Though, a text from Minghao would take longer than expected.


"Jun, you're a second year in college what do you mean you don't have a pencil?" Yanan questions, brushing his silver hair back as he was stressed for the boy. They were sitting in their Chinese language and literature class, level three to be specific as there were many fluent speakers who were taking the course. The boy, forehead pressed against the extended desk groans as he had no writing utensil on him. "you're so lucky I'm here to help." The boy then reaches into his bag and pokes Jun with the extra pencil he had.

Jun, who lifts his head takes it with appreciation. Though he was not appreciating the class he was in as it would be for two hours long. "I hate it here, I'm at this performing arts academy for dance, not Mandarin."

"Well, we still are required to take academic classes along with our claimed majors. We can't do anything about it." Yanan sighs, he was also a second year. But instead of being a dance major like Jun, he was persuing in acting. "we just have to get through the period, but do you want to get coffee after? I have another class but I still have some time before it starts."

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