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mom> text me

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> text me.
read 2:34 p.m.

> why aren't you
answering your phone?
read 2:34 p.m

> we need to talk minghao
read 3:19 p.m.

"SHOULD I answer her?" Minghao questions to Jun as they walked home, it was a stressful day as his two best friends were worrying over the situation he was currently in. Jun looks over to the messages as Minghao tilted his screen in his direction, the older scans the stream of texts and bites his tongue, "guess you're unsure yourself."

"I don't know, I'm just afraid she's gonna like, put you in a box and ship you away forcefully."

"Jun that's insane, I don't think my mom would ever do that." The ravenette shoves his phone into his pocket and lets out a sigh, "my dad hasn't texted me so I really don't know what to do."

"Do whatever feels right to you Minghao," Jun tells, "I don't want to make decisions for you, but just know that I want the best for you. If you want to answer your mom, do it if it feels right."

Minghao scrunches his nose, his fingers slip into his pocket until he stops himself. "I'll wait a couple of hours...maybe I'll text my dad first before responding to her."

"Alright then."

The younger boy takes a glance towards his boyfriend, raising a brow, Minghao pokes the brunette's side which causes him to jump. He rubs the area touched and lightly pushes Minghao as a way of revenge. "You look a bit bummed, are you okay?"

Jun shrugs his shoulders, not opening his mouth to give a verbal response. Minghao takes the initative to step in front of Jun and cut off his route. Jun who tries to pass him only gets blocked by the younger, "Minghao.." He whines, Minghao shakes his head,

"There's obviously something bothering you, what's up?"

"I don't want you to worry about it."

"I bet it's something about my situation so of course I'm going to worry about it." Minghao argues back, Jun puffs his cheeks as the boy was correct. The ravenette was already aware of this, he grabs the brunette's hands and holds them gently, "tell me what's wrong Junnie, or else it's going to bother me as well."

Jun's lips purse together, making a motor like sound. He had to give up, especially since Minghao used his cute nickname. "I told your friends that I wouldn't allow you to go, but what if I don't succeed? I'm going to disappoint them, myself, you. What if the promise I made isn't kept. I saw their expressions Minghao, I don't want them loosing you to Liaoning! I don't want to lose you to a province!"

"Jun..." He puts a hand on the boy's shoulder, but the boy only turns away. "I really don't know what to say to you...I'm just hoping things go in the direction we want it to.."

"I just...don't want to lose you." Jun mutters, Minghao tried to smile to reassure the boy. But, how could he when the possibility of staying were a fifty-fifty chance? "I'm sorry for killing the mood, it's just been on my mind all day..."

"It's okay," Minghao returns to his spot next to Jun and continues to hold his hand, "you don't need to apologize, I'm glad I have someone who deeply cares about me."

They continue their walk home and Jun lets out another sigh, "If I ever discover a genie, my first wish would be to keep you here in Korea."

Minghao raises a brow, letting out a small laugh from his random thought. "And you're second?"

"Have a pet frog, frogs are really cool."

"I like frogs too!" Minghao enthusiastically agrees, "some people think they're gross, like my mom. She doesn't even want a pet. Not even fish."

"Really?" As Jun couldn't believe his words, Minghao nods his head slowly to confirm it. "wow, well - maybe one day we can get a frog. What should we name it?"

"Depends on what type of frog it is, maybe like-"

"How about ribbit?"

The ravenette makes an odd expression after hearing the suggestion, "You're gonna name our frog after the sound it makes?"

"Maybe we'll have a better bond with our froggie since we speak their language." Jun tells, explaining the simple reasoning behind the name. Which actually didn't seem quite bad, but, Minghao still wasn't too crazy about it. "Why, what were you going to suggest?"

"Well, I'm kind of hungry so jelly popped into my mind and—"

"You're gonna eat our frog!"

"No!" As Minghao punches his boyfriend, which leads to him letting out a loud groan. "I think jelly is a cute name."

"What about leapy."

"Jun, you're basically naming the frog after characteristics it has." The ravenette informs, the older nods as he was quite aware of this. "let's talk about this another time, we have a lot to think before becoming parents to a frog."

"I think I saw a frog build-a-bear online, it was going around on the internet because of how cute it was." Jun suddenly says, which sparks Minghao's interest. His ears were open and he listened to every word, "wanna go buy one?"

"Right now?" Minghao questions, they were almost home and going to the mall on a school day was something he's never done. He didn't even think those types of things were allowed.

"Yeah? Why not, my mom won't mind and I can drive. Just think of this frog as your temporary substitution for our real one in the future."

Minghao wouldn't lie, the plan was more fun than doing homework in Jun's room and potentially not even getting it done. In addition to the argument going on in his head, he only had a few more days left when it came to hanging out with his friends and Jun. Going out for an hour or so before completing work wouldn't hurt them. "Fine...as long as your mom doesn't mind."

"If I'm with you, she doesn't." Jun reassures, which uplifted Minghao's judgement. "You're naming the frog Jelly right?"

Minghao shrugs, "Who knows, maybe I'll name it Junnie." With that said, the ravenette lets go of the boy's hand and skips his way back to Jun's house quickly.

As Jun stopped in his tracks, his eyebrows furrow down as he comprehended the boy's words. "Hey! You can't say things like that and leave me hanging!"

a/n: i want a froggie
from build-a-bear so that's
why it suddenly got into
the story whsiwhsksjwk
anyway - junhao froggie parents!

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