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THE next morning, Jun and Minghao were deprived of sleep and it was obvious to their friends as they walked around like zombies

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THE next morning, Jun and Minghao were deprived of sleep and it was obvious to their friends as they walked around like zombies. Wonwoo and Soonyoung didn't want to bother but allowed Minghao to sleep in the dance room during lunch since he could barely keep his eyes open. "You think he and Jun went out last night?" Soonyoung suspects quietly, bringing his assumption up to Wonwoo who sits beside him. They examine the sleeping boy, head pressed against his backpack as a pretend pillow.

"Definitely," Wonwoo answers without a doubt. Based on his post, the boy in his photo had to be Jun. He may have poor eyesight, but it definitely was the one and only Wen Junhui in the white sweatshirt. Posing for Minghao's photo as the night concealed their bodies. "I'm glad, I bet him and Jun had fun."

"Wonder why he didn't tell us." Soonyoung was curious about that part.

"He has his reasons, let's respect it. He'll tell us if he wants to." Wonwoo states shortly, Soonyoung nods as the boy was indeed correct. Besides, they didn't want to bombard the younger with questions as he was obviously too tired to even speak or stand. As the dance room was free for use to the students during lunch, a couple of other individuals walked in as well. They were recognizable with just a simple glance.

"Awe, guess my sleeping spot has been occupied." Jun teases, as he spots Minghao who's passed out on the floor. He waddled on over to the younger boy, squatting down to pat his head. "Has he been sleeping since lunch started?"

Soonyoung nods, "I brought him here since he was basically dead during physics. He's lucky the teacher likes him."

"I see," The older brunette responds shortly, he lays next to the boy. Keeping a good distance between them, "well, goodnight." He states before closing his eyes, saying nothing more.

Joshua who's still standing at the doorway lets out a sigh, "Those two have got awfully close with just one night." The comment was loud enough for Wonwoo and Soonyoung to hear. Walking over to the two younger students, he sits next to them as they're located in front of the mirrors. "Have you guys heard about their hang out last night?"

The two shake their heads in unison, Joshua decides to take the time to explain. "Minghao wanted to take pictures but couldn't find a way out of his house during the day. So they snuck out, Jun suggested the idea and he followed along. They went to eat at Mingyu's family café and ventured out during the night. They got home pretty late so that's why they're both brain dead."

Wonwoo and Soonyoung display bright smiles after hearing about their adventure together, they both were happy about Jun encouraging Minghao with small events like these. Especially since Minghao was so uptight before when it came to going out. "That's good..I'm glad he got to go out," Wonwoo says, though his words make it seem as if he's been held captive — well technically that is his situation.

"Jun seemed to be pretty happy about it," Joshua comments, though Jun was definitely tired. He kept a smile on his face all day as he talked about the details of his and Minghao's night out. "I'm glad he's able to smile, he's been stressed but he sometimes refuses to talk about his problems."

"Tell me about it." Soonyoung agrees, rolling his eyes. Knowing that the older brunette and he converse during dance often. "Volleyball season is coming up and he's trying to hold everything back. But, I'm scared he's gonna break."

"He doesn't want others worrying that's why." The blunette informs, which was captain obvious. Jun hated making people worry, taking time to think about his own problems when they could be dealing with other important things. Maybe it was because he was captain, he was taught to be the person who took initiative and find solutions when others couldn't. It was a job, his role. "But, Minghao has been a positive influence on Jun and vice versa. Though it was only one night, it really made a difference."

"We haven't heard from Minghao about it. But, when we met up with him this morning he seemed to be in a good mood although he was tired." Wonwoo explains.

The three friends stare at the two boys who occupy the dance floor, giving them warm smiles as the sight filled their hearts. They both were going through some rough times but refused to change their ways until they met each other. Joshua personally believed that Minghao was meant to enter Jun's life during this time since he was maintaining his captain duties for so long to where it was mentally breaking him. But, with Minghao finding his way to Jun in the silliest way, Jun realized that he wasn't the only one facing a similar problem. It was as if, Jun was able to breathe properly around someone who wasn't Joshua. And he really appreciated it.

Soonyoung cuts off his train of thought with a series of words, "They're gonna be good to each other, I can feel it."

"I'm glad Minghao is accepting Jun," There's relief in Joshua's voice, "who knows what these two would be doing if they didn't meet each other."

Wonwoo shudders, "Hao would still be stubborn, I wouldn't survive." Soonyoung follows his words with a small snicker. "I care for Minghao a lot. I'm just glad he's opening up."

"You know we sound like their parents right?" Joshua shortly says though it didn't really relate to what they were talking about. Soonyoung presses his lips together, nodding his head as he could visualize the image. "We're old. Also, I never got to introduce myself properly. I'm Joshua."

"Wonwoo." As he puts out his hand to shake the older boy's hand. "I'm Soonyoung." The blonde informs, popping from Wonwoo's side.

"I know, we've met during the whole Jihoon fiasco."

Soonyoung then pressed his back against the mirror, sulking down. "That was embarrassing. He wanted to kick me so badly, good thing his friend Hansol held him back."

"What did you do to make him want to kick you?" Wonwoo questions with worry in his tone, he would have had to say something really provocative - but knowing Soonyoung that was an easy task.

"I didn't even say anything bad. I just called him cute and tiny. I wanna carry him in my pocket he's so adorable!" The blonde didn't know how that could trigger someone. It was more of a compliment than an insult. "Now the volleyball team's libero hates me."

Joshua can't help but laugh, "I doubt it."

As the three fall into a deep conversation with each other, Jun was still awake. He turned to his side, facing Minghao who was sleeping. Their friends were correct, there was no doubt about it. But, he did wonder what life would be like if he didn't meet Minghao. Sure, their start was quite rough but they seemed to be going at a steady pace now. He was grateful that Minghao was willing to open up to him and befriend him. And even sneak out with him. Jun would ensure to cherish Minghao, because of the things he's been through. Though he hasn't heard everything, merely only the main details. He would guarantee the younger ravenette happiness.

And as cheesy as that sounded, Jun thought that he felt like this because their relationship was finally blossoming. But, he was unaware of the fact that greater feelings were unraveling. 

a/n: omg a triple update ! I've been on a writing
spree lately hehe

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