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"LIGHTS out is happening soon," Jun warns to Minghao, the clock is about to hit nine p

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"LIGHTS out is happening soon," Jun warns to Minghao, the clock is about to hit nine p.m. in about thirty minutes. They got done with dinner quite fast, which ended with Jun and Fengjun having another fight which wasn't anything new to the ravenette. But, with stomachs filled with yummy food and the engagement of tiring quarrels, the twelve-year-old boy had knocked out on the couch minutes later. This led to Jun needing to carry his younger brother to his bedroom, though he had to wake him up soon as he needed to clean up before drifting off.

The pair were currently in Jun's room, Mrs. Wen had suggested that Minghao could sleep in their room as Jun's bed was big enough. Plus, the couch wasn't anything special and she had a feeling Jun would deny the idea of his boyfriend sleeping all the way downstairs while they laid in luxurious beds on the second floor. Minghao didn't mind the options, but Jun came clear with the statement of the ravenette staying in his room for the night. "I'll get you some clothes." Jun says, walking over to his closet - he slides the mirror door and picks out a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. "catch." He says unexpectedly, which leads to the set of clothes hitting Minghao's face.

As the t-shirt slips off of Minghao's head, he raises a brow and shakes it off. "Should have warned me a bit sooner." Jun shrugs his shoulders playfully and walks towards the door,

"Tell me when you're done changing." Is what the brunette instructs before heading out to the other side, Minghao gives him a thumbs up and soon his boyfriend disappeared. Minghao removed his uncomfortable school uniform, folding it neatly so it could be used the next morning. He slips on Jun's shirt, luckily they were around the same size so his items fit quite well. It doesn't take long until he's done, but, his phone that sits on Jun's desk buzzes a couple of times. Looking over slightly to catch a glimpse of the home screen, there is a stream of messages from his father.

> minghao where did you
go? I'm worried sick

> text me please, call me
or anything!

> I won't be angry, I know
you're tired but please send
me a message so I know you're

> you're my son, you are my
priority, I will not tell your mother
about your location just tell me
that you're safe

Minghao hates the nonexistent fist that punches at his gut, he was stupid of not informing his dad about the situation that happened. Knowing his mother, she probably overexaggerated the plot and left major-minor details. But, he trusted his father, unlocking his phone he sends him a quick message before calling Jun back in.

> I'm fine, I'm at Jun's.
I might be staying for a couple
of nights because mom is taking
this too far
seen 8:34

> that's all I needed to know, I'm
aware that she's planning on sending
you back. I won't let that happen. tell your
friend's family that I'll pay back for expenses
and thank them for being so kind. I'm going to
try and reason with your mother

behind the scenes ! junhaoWhere stories live. Discover now