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AS Jun came running down the stairs with his dressed self and essentials, he raises his brows towards Minghao and smiles, "You ready?" he then acknowledges the fact that Fengjun was sitting right next to him, his joyful expression disappears as he...

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AS Jun came running down the stairs with his dressed self and essentials, he raises his brows towards Minghao and smiles, "You ready?" he then acknowledges the fact that Fengjun was sitting right next to him, his joyful expression disappears as he points to his brother, "you weren't bothering him were you?"

Minghao shakes his head, answering before Fengjun could. "No, he wasn't. Don't worry." The ravenette couldn't see Fengjun's facial response to his brother as he was staring at Jun. But, the younger boy beside him stuck out his tongue towards the taller brunette. Getting up from his position on the couch, Minghao walks towards the door, "let's go before it gets late."

"Yeah," As Jun shortly replies, but sticks his tongue back at Fengjun. Walking quickly towards the front door, the two boys slip on their shoes. Once the brunette was done putting on his converse, he sets his attention on Fengjun, "be good. Help mom out if something needs to be done."

"Alright Captain!" Fengjun then salutes, Minghao who lets out a small laugh unlocks the door and pulls it open. As they're about to head out, the smaller brunette shouts his last words before they're out of his sight, "Have fun on your date!" But, the door shut rather quickly as Jun's ears caught the phrase. "Loser.."

Minghao who stands on the sidewalk waits for Jun to lock his door. Not wanting to continue a conversation with his brother, he took the task into his own hands as the younger boy was probably occupied with watching TV. After he's done securing the home, he runs over to Minghao and gives him a thumbs up, "Alright, let's go."

Walking to town is an activity Jun's always up for, but, since Joshua became busier by the hour he hasn't had anyone to hang out with. He found it quite nice to have someone new to be around, "So, how'd you get your parents to let you out?"

"My dad let me go, he'll inform my mom about my 'tutoring' lesson I'm supposed to be at." Minghao tells, Jun raises a brow as that was the excuse used, "What? I'm here and that's all that matters."

Jun nods his head, "Yeah true. I like that attitude, you should be this carefree all the time."

"I'm working on it."

Their walk to Mingyu's family cafe wasn't long, though the time that it would take to get there would be about ten to twelve minutes. Time clearly felt short when you were having fun or spending it with someone you like. But, as they arrived at their destination, Jun opens the door for Minghao and allows him to enter first. Trailing right behind him, they're now inside the busy shop and Jun spots the tall cashier a number of feet away from him. "Gyu!" He shouts, grabbing the younger's attention though he was obviously busy taking a customer's order. After he hands the woman her receipt, he responds to Jun's call with a wave.

"What do you want? I'll order." Minghao says, wanting to pay for the two of them as Jun took care of the bill the last time.

"Same thing." He answers.

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